Fireteam 404, Saturday 13th October (Chapter one)

I am jack leion, close quarters and unarmed fighting expert.

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Tipsy escapades - Epilogue

She shook her head and mentally reached for her magic, not that she actually believe max would ever make a move against an unarmed girl. "now you're really just overreacting max.

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Tribal Wars: An Assault is Planned

Fury is unarmed combat, seconding in support. wrath is our gunman, prefering shotguns and smgs, seconding in melee weaponry. vengeance is melee combat, seconds in sniping or recon. finally, war is all of them.

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Red Skies: Part 1

The leader, now unarmed gulped and stood shocked by what just happened. red then grabbed both men by the head, and ran with both in hand to the canyon wall and slammed them against it. "red, no!"


Grey War -part one- Chapter 3 - Edit -

Was he unarmed? maybe his weapon was in his bags, that should have been loaded onto the train two days ago... still, it's rare to see a guardian without their weapon... there. ray could see his weapon. it didn't make sense...


A Cure by Any Means Necessary Chapter 1

It was a companion, he was unarmed, and in terms of brute strength, mordin simply couldn't overwhelm the aggressed male. grunt began to roughly pull at the doctor's clothes, ripping them apart to expose the male's form to him. "let's see if it works."

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Work In Progress Section 1

Their presently unarmed hands instead bore metal gauntlets, likely for intimidation more than anything. but, as much as he felt like testing these guards' actual skill in combat, he didn't have time.

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A Midnight Duel

Now the rabbit grins, they are both unarmed, and this is his specialty. twisting about he launches himself to his feet. he closes in, hoping to end it soon with a roundhouse kick towards the fox's head, but somehow this was expected.

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my zombie apocalypse diaries

Any way it was the first time i've seen a woman in like two weeks if not longer she's not a thief if she couldn't get in any other way she was unarmed too...

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Pest Control - Part Three

The mouse looked at the two weapons held in his hands, then over at the naked, utterly unarmed barbarian.

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This hell known as Earth!

Standing apart from each other faolchú takes his pistol and metal armor off leaving him unarmed with leather body wear.

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RVA: Through a Hologram Darkly

_make your crew wear power armor when they board, and only attack unarmed civilian freighters. they'll surrender quick enough.

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