The Commute
She was still clearly the one in control, but now it seemed she was completely enjoying it, her eyes devouring the poor doe. her fingers pressed and pumped, moving with the twists of the train car.
Fire and Ice - Chapter Three - A Bond Is Forged
I'm not even a maiden doe.." "milady, please.speak not so." sir kathis whispered, as he gently turned her around and stroked her wet cheek with his fingertips. "you are not a maiden, by your own admission, but you are no less fair.
Never An Absolution - Chapter Six
If you think he's hurt you now, then my dear have no ideas - of how his rage will grow.
Never An Absolution - Chapter Three -
"so you should - that young doe fawn is very tasty...."
The Forest
"hey," the doe timidly replied. "i saw you walking all by your stony lonesome, and i figured you might want some company." "what if i wanted to be by myself?" anthony chuckled to himself as the mysterious doe tried to stammer out a response.
The Meeting of Coincidence
The Meeting of Coincidences (ADULT SITUATIONS: Male on Female, Male on Male or Female on Female. If you happen to be offended by sexually explicit situations or language between, Peoples then please do not read further. Also any...
New Family
I grabbed her luscious breasts (doe's have the best breasts and the sexiest nipples!) and started thrust! > > "fuck me baby!" > > i grunted in reply!
christmas cheer
"it does that." she commented, shivering herself as the drink took effect.
Lovers Bond - Chapter Two - Sticky Paws
"oh, i know that - i feels so nice, to nurse from a doe - " angela snickered, then resumed her gentle nuzzling and suckling.
Kendra's Tale
He suckled, his tongue lightly lapping at the nipple, and he wondered as he swallowed the hot milk, what it would be like as a fawn, to suckle from a doe.
Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 3
He knew that if he took this to her father to forbid it would only make the headstrong young doe more determined to follow her ex-beau out of tenderton county.
Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 1
#1 of love at twin oaks the petite doe nibbled on her lower lip as she studied her reflection in the looking glass in front of her and, after much deliberation, announced, "one more should do it, nanny."