Pyrex's day off (Patreon reward for Nyeogmi)

Pyrex woke up feeling grumpy. He couldn't remember exactly _why_. All he knew was that he'd felt an urge to complain right before being put to sleep by big, pulsing eyes, and that this urge had somehow stuck to him throughout his sleep. Now...

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Stream of consciousness (Patreon reward for Kodi)

_Ping!_ The sudden notification was about to make Hazel jump on his seat. It had taken the dragon a few weeks to get used to the - barely - constant flow of donation messages and the shrill sound that accompanied each notification. "Oh, thank...

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Pecking order (Patreon reward for Nyeogmi)

It wasn't Pyrex's fault that Vycor had decided to be really mean that day. In fact, it wouldn't have been Pyrex's fault even if it had happened any other day. As the boney kobold paced erratically and bit his claws, nervous as a bag of mice, that...

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Break time. The best time of the day, one might argue. You always took your break at the same time every day, and usually at the same place - a coffee shop just down the street from the lab. They even knew your name, which you found very gratifying. ...

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Day 28 - Unaware

"Ah, good, come on in, welcome." Matts said, eagerly beckoning you inside. "Please make yourself at home, dinner will be ready in just a moment." Dinner with the Matts. It was a very concept, even if it was just a semi-professional meeting to...

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Day 5 - Visor

This job was different than your usual. You and most other hackers got your tasks from a deepweb message board, where punks like you showed off the stuff they'd hijacked, plotted group work, and competed to see what the most prestigious domain you...

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Day 4 - Psychic

Thankfully, the party's mage finds the party's paladin, and mind control spells aren't something he's never seen before. starring pridebeef ! their party was split up.

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Meteorite Slime Friend 15

(mind control as in forcing someone to be nice sorry) chapter 2 - the tiger and the fox's visit it has been two days since sola arrived at kitt's house and by then, she has perfected the use of her abilities and how to act naturally outside.

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Putting Disobedient Pokemon in Their Place

If there's a breaking point for Ash Ketchum when it comes to his Pokemon, he managed to reach it. What led to him reaching it involves two of his strongest Pokemon, Charizard and Dragonite respectively. It started...

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Spread the Insanity

Spread the Insanity by Neon Tetra Important: This story contains mature themes and explicit adult descriptions. You should be 18 years or older before reading it. \*\*\* He didn't know of any particular point in time at which he had...

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Missing Person

"It's gonna be okay." Ian squeezed at the boy's arm, smiling as best he could. He was tired - far more exhausted than he could remember being in quite a while, but it had been worth it. The boy looked away, staring at his lap, unmoving. He sighed to...

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Pleasure and Persuasion: Part 2

We had to give the poor guy a break. We already pushed him through two orgasms in a matter of a few hours. One of the orgasms was induced in a sleeping state. I would be lie in if I wasn't curious about the sexuality of the unconscious mind. It...

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