Rescued At Last...

"Felix I don't think we should attack this facility." Kail said to me as we hung out in the pokemon center one day. We had been traveling for eleven weeks and still hadn't found any trace of Luca. Between my wave guiding abilities with Luca and Kail's...

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Agonizing Travels

The first night we didn't even make a fire, we just set up the minimum we needed and tried to get to sleep. It was much easier for Kail to fall asleep, though I knew the events were weighing heavily on his mind as well. The simple fact was that I felt...

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The Last Straw!

Luca and I continued home as happy as ever. Luca had calmed down since beginning of our trip, but she still seemed a bit giddy and when simply walking beside me she wanted to keep a hold of my arm. The first night away from the springs she...

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Heading Home

After about half a day of sailing we saw the mainland coast. Shortly after we saw the coast a coast guard vessel intercepted us and asked what we were doing out here. We explained ourselves and they gladly gave us an escort to the docks behind the...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 4 - Arrival

"I'm curious, what was it that made you so sure that you loved me?" It was now morning, as indicated by the light surging through the portholes. We had been awake for a while, just reclining in each other's embrace. I stared up at the ceiling,...

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The Princess of Vengence

Allison sat in the library waiting impatiently. A few hours ago her brother had returned to the castle and she wanted to see him badly. She looked up at the clock and then got up from the chair. She stormed over to the library's doors and banged on...

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 1 - Warmth

Though this is part one, there was story before this. I wrote a prologue, and if you didn't read it, don't expect to understand a thing that's going on. \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ I got up out of the sand. My day is not yet done, and the next phase...

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The Halo Records- Ch. 1

The Banshee hummed as it dropped down to the forest floor, Elites jumping off the platform and collected just bellow. The Arbiter gazed out into the jungle, his mind on the mission at hand... to retrieve the Spartan. It had been the human...

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Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 1

Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 1 3 Jahre sind es nun. 3 Jahre Krieg. 3 Jahre sind wir nun schon in dieser Hölle, die uns als unser aller Rettung verkauft worden ist. Am Anfang haben waren sie unsere Hoffnungsträger. Sie haben denn Hunger...

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Even Saints Sin (intro)

And Even Saints Sin by Axell Prologue There had been nothing more familiar to Natalya than the sound of the turbines in the dam. It was a mess, which they had stopped before things got uglier. Terrorist overran the dam and set up explosive...

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EPISODE TWO: THE KEY TO JUGERNAUT Takato’s alarm sounded loudly at 5am causing him to open his eyes groggily. â€Work is a pain…†Takato remarked to himself as he slowly got out of bed to get into the shower. After about 15 minuets in the shower...

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The Devil Dog

\*WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS EXTREAM VIOLENCE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED\* This is for the fallen remember them with honor. I pulled up to the rifle range "I don't know if ill be able to do this" I thought as I got out of my jeep and grabbed the...

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