World of Osmis: Races
race variants:- some races have variants, individuals from the same race but look very different from the common members of that race.
Ice Gambled
#17 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, our teams took a little trip up north to the cold, deserted yukon. the fish was pretty tasty (and fake) and some of teams got to wind down... almost.
Yukon Do It
"um... let's continues with the race, shall we?"
Texas Split
#9 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, our navigating teams had a blast going through the forest towards dusk. well, sort of. afterwards it was a race to get many textiles retrieved from the museum. the cab drivers won. again.
Nice To Meet You, Man
#6 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, the teams traveled to st. kitts. after being separated, they had to make a colorful costume fit for a local festival. chris may have realized a little something about his partner.
The Competition
"he loses one race and no one's gonna care about him again. heck, i bet i could beat him easily." he set his phone down, figuring that was the last of it.
Blackfoot - Pathfinder Custom Race
#2 of pathfinder here's my second race! this one is based very loosely off native american folklore, but i don't know exactly where it comes from. i hope to soon come out with more races in the future.
Picture This
Next time on... the amazing race: all-stars."
Fired Up
#4 of amazing race all stars previously on the amazing race, our remaining teams got caught up in a game of golf. then traveled back in time to the good ol' days by using pioneer tools to trisect a giant wooden log.
Hey Now, You're An All-Star (Pt. 2)
Those answers (and more) coming up because it's time for... the amazing race all-stars. \*\*\* "oslo, norway is home to over 700,000 people," toner, the host of the race narrates.
They Don't Carrot All (Finale Pt 1)
A.k.a.... the amazing race.
Horsing Around
#22 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, out remaining five teams took a trip to columbus, ohio. the marines struggled to maintain their lead but ended up in 4th place... again. our winners were vito & donna.