In the World After: Chapter 2
\*If you didn't read the notes above, READ THEM! Thank you :) 6 years ago was when it all started. A virus, a disease that sprang from the back woods of Scandinavia, fast and incurable. It took only 2 months until outbreaks began to pop up in the...
adventures in violence fun edition
A story about my past in the post-apocalyptic future as told by my uvula brain, wherein feasox and i might have sex. okay so this is like the coolest, most violent story about the most cool thing i was ever in.
Descent: Prologue
Darkness... Screams... cries for help... What does it all mean? Am I just imagining it all... or is it real? Where am I? When am I? How did I get here? My mind was swirling with thoughts, but one kept echoing louder than all the rest... ....What...
The End of Days pt. 2
Keith awoke the next morn, feeling a droplet of... of something trickling down his forehead. Blood? Could it be? With a startle, he sits upright and readies the pistol that is still in his grasp - how hard did he hold on to that thing, anyway? - and...
Wild Rose Country - Chapter 17
At the time I had no idea how to explain my recovery from the fever that by all rights should have killed me. I know now what was responsible but in those days I could only explain it as some sort of miracle. One just does not just spontaneously...
Wild Rose Country - Chapter 16
As spring worked its green magic around us during our recovery from the attack by the bear, our situation didn't seem all that bad. Sure, we were both sore and limited in what we were able to do but we were still alive and the healing process had...
Wild Rose Country - Chapter 14
The pungent scent of smoke wafted over Sharra's senses as she drifted through the flat grey borderland that ruled between the dream world and the real world. The scent brought forth such a powerful surge of emotions and memories that she wondered what...
**a girl and her dog seek refuge in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. the ending is meant to ambiguous. i left it open for the reader to decide: was she just mad? did lizzie survive? did help ever arrive?
Across the Schism, Intro
_This is my first furry story, which I hope to incorporate some of the staples of works like_ Firefly _and_ Battlestar Galactica _into. In other words, space travel (duh), love, theological debate, and plenty of fighting, both in space and planet...
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 10 - She Faced Her Own Destiny
In the head office of the former junior high building, two women stared opposite of each other across a desk, one sitting and one standing up casting her gaze along the various trophies and knick-knacks gathered over the years. A marksman trophy here,...
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 9 - He Reaped What He Sowed
An early morning sunrise was beautiful no matter which way you went, a lone rising sun moving its swift rays over the dying night of the wasteland remained just as serene as it had ever been. A brief moment of picturesque clarity, a sole instant of the...
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 1 - The Desert Welcomed Him
James found it all surreal, a post-apocalyptic look at a town's ruination, corroded mailboxes and hydrants long dried up from disuse.