To Be The Best - Chapter 8: The Big Test - Part 3

He leaned down and took another of the minerals into his mouth, loudly crunching on it. "very salty." "that hurts my teeth just looking," nina muttered. "hey, stop that. we need those for the mission," lee chastised him.

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The Guild's Dog: Gengar

He's been harassing some miners nearby, and we're going to make him stop" lucario said as he informed them. "well? what are we waiting for? let's go!" charizard said as he got up as well.

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The Lore of Peccatum

Furthermore, wyth's moon, arkos, is made of minerals very similar to the minerals found on peccatum.

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Crocodile Rocks

It was quickly confirmed that it was drinkable, if a little mineral rich. i turned then to ibrahim and shook his hand firmly, confirming our dreams were worth the effort.

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The Royal Apples - Part III

"ah brought ya a customer fer yer mineral bath." applejack looked at the stallion. "now you play nice and ah'll be back in an hour ta walk ya home." she turned and trotted out the door.

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Confederacy of the Red Nebula

Space stations: 7 populated planets: 14 faction leader: councillor esmond zane primary supplier of raw materials and resources across the confederacy, named for the numerous asteroid fields and belts throughout the sector, from which they mine metals and minerals

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Dances with Humans - the Hollow Silence, Part 4

His father amos served in the 24th infantry, when they were called in from utah to secure peace during a legal dispute between miners in coeur d'alene.

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Tribe Chapter 6

"erm it's an old miners drinking song." he chuckled "usual stuff miners sing about, finding your wife in bed with another man, getting crushed by rocks. miserable bastards us miners now i think about it."

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Glacea Malfac's Challenge

Tariffs in the way of minerals, food, and conscripted soldiers were handed over to malfac's forces.

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Into The Future: Chapter 1

Perhaps one of the miners around would be more keen on the empyrean language. their journey stopped at the base of a tall crane, baso shouting up for the operator's attention.

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A Forge of Heroes - Plans and Punishment

The falskin lords didn't want a flash flood from the nearby lake to wipe out all the miners. "and his name's kar'na?" aida asked, tilting her head at myra. "what's he like?"

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Paradox - Prologue

He holds the other half of the forest region, a small section of the mountain region that he is constantly fighting to protect for the minerals.
