Little shop of Pleasures 3

A bored voice spoke from behind the high counter, the bull jumping slightly as he peered over the surface, staring at the strange grey coyote sitting on a low stool behind it. "this a whorehouse?"

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 16 A Step Forward

A few grey hairs already mixed in with the black of his head fur. a fur that could only be max's husband stood next to him. allen rested his chin on max's shoulder. his arms wrapped around max's waist as the three watched over their fallen companions.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 14 Into The Wild Blue Yonder

Chapter 14 - Into The Wild Blue Yonder "So how were 19th to move the Gate-Way?" Shawn asked as the group made its way along, nearing the far end of the colossal cavern. "Well as you can see, the Gate-Way hovers above the ground"...

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 15 Burning Bridges

The Gate-Way: Chapter 15 - Burning Bridges Leo grabbed a large bag from his station and began to follow the security force currently dragging an unconscious Matt and the feral Jake to the hospital. "Leo, I need to talk with you for a moment."...

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 13 A Proposition Made

Chapter 13 - A Proposition Made Ethan stirred gently from his sleep, his maw stretched open in a yawn. Not recognising his surrounding, he attempted to open clear the fog from his mind. He was in the movie screening room again, his head tucked...

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 11 Betrayal Explained

My partner and I will be working on chapter 12 this weekend, should be able to write it all tomorrow. We both feel it requires an entire rewrite, it should be up on Sunday. Chapter 13 and 14 will be up shortly after...

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 10 Dazed and Confused

Seizing the started grey wolf by the collar of his uniform, jake slammed him up against the wall. "shut up right now!" he roared. "oh did i touch a nerve? you're going to have to do much better than that," ethan said with a laugh.

The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 9 Real Men Do Cry

Chapter 9 - Real Men Do Cry "Better! Now let's do it again!" yelled Jake into the com, his voice blasting through the speakers in Matt's helmet. Matt sighed as he trudged back to the start of the massive indoor obstacle course. He was exhausted;...

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 8 A Warrior Born

Next to him stood jake; the grey wolf stared straight ahead at the doors to the elevator. matt suppressed a shiver as he regarded his friend. jake seemed very powerful and strong, his manner was proud and fierce.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 7 Preparation Begins

Before him he could see a pair of large grey ears attached to an even larger head. it was jake! matt realized right where he had fallen asleep the night before.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 6 A Painful Past

Within the kitchen stood a large grey wolf. matt felt absolutely tiny in comparison. not only were the wolf's arms and legs huge but at six-five he was a veritable giant.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 5 Secrets Revealed

Walking behind the grey wolf, matt found himself in what appeared to be a large conference room.

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