Geography part 1
They also make one of the most revered wines in the world. (note; cudea is based on ancient egypt, the new kingdom) cities and towns normal homes in cudea are set on the rivers and marshes; they often build homes out of woven reeds.
Dragon Riddle part 1
-but you can't go to other worlds - noted kenneth, pointing at the faint stars still visible in the sky. -can't you? - mused the dragon. - maybe nobody tried hard enough. the moon certainly looks close enough.
The Trials of Inkblot Fox - Part 2
As quentin had promised her, a well worn path guided her from the city, much like the path she had encountered when first arriving in this world. "note to self: if you have to pee, do it with your back against a large rock."
A Glimmer of Light in the Void: Chapter 3
"_fine" with that trevor finally prodded the pokeball's release switch causing a white light to briefly flash before exposing a female plusle to the world.