Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 2 - Midgame (Special Guest)

INDUSTRIAL ZONE - SERIES 3 EPISODE 2 Midgame Written by Iron-K When I started the midgame section of IZ two episodes ago, I had always intended it to be used on a couple of furry "celebrities" as well as a chance just to get people other than...

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Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 2 - Round 2

The sixth IZ continues... and makes up for the relative cleanliness of the first round :) Again, a couple of new games and a couple of revivals. --- INDUSTRIAL ZONE - SERIES 3 EPISODE 2 Round 2 Written by Iron-K With her flashlight...

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Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 2 - Round 1

This is probably shaping up to be something of a fanservice episode because it's another all-girl team this time, all in their late teens. In this round they're put into two new spins on older games as well as two old favorites, with varying degrees of...

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An Evening with Lesley

AN EVENING WITH LESLEY Written by Iron-K, 2009 "Kief's here!" The snow leopard froze in surprise with one foot on the top step as he heard a high pitched shout from behind the door in front of him. As he looked up, it clicked open, and a...

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CONFESSION Written by Iron-K A dreaded moment for anyone with a private fetish - having to confess it to your partner without knowing how they'll react! It's also one of my shortest stories (which given their usual length isn't saying much, it's...

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An Evening with Uma

AN EVENING WITH UMA Written by Iron-K, 2011 "Dalziel!" As soon as he was halfway in the front door, the black and white rabbit pricked his ears as he heard Uma's voice calling his name excitedly. "Come here and watch my sister getting gunged!" ...

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