Pitch Episode 29: White Fox

You know, I was always happy being an only child. I never had to share a room, toys, friends, or family. That all changed the moment Danger introduced himself to Mom and Dad. I expected them to ground me again, or at the very least, scold me. What they...

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Pitch Episode 28: Black and White

Senior year was underway. Despite everything that happened over the summer, I thought it was behind me. Like always, I was wrong. For everything that happened, for everything that changed me, there was one encounter that took on a life of its own. ...

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Pitch Episode 27: Tree Tree

September 1st was a Daybreak holiday. In celebration of the town being built, it was a tradition for everyone to plant a tree in the woods. No one ever explained how the tradition started, but there were a few rumors. One such rumor was a story...

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Pitch Episode 26: Saturday Night

So my parents were separated for at least five years. During that time, their relationship went through phases, and I was always there to see them. After I was busted for using magic to travel to STR with Wes, my dad wasn't happy with my mother. Sure,...

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Pitch Episode 25: Pit Fall

I hated the snow. I hated ice. I hated sleet and flurries and cold weather in general. I was sick. I hated being sick. I would have taken being tossed through a dozen walls over having a stuffed up runny nose. I would have taken falling from a...

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Pitch Episode 24: Nerf

You hardly, if ever, saw trolls go to school. They lived three times longer than most humans, so they rarely had children. Nerf was a teenage troll at Daybreak High school. He was also a star basketball player, which made sense because trolls were...

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Pitch Episode 23: The Table

The best part about life was no one had the answers. Some people claimed they knew it all only because they hadn't been knocked down yet. Some people claimed they knew it all because they were never able to stand. The truth is, no one knew much of...

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Pitch Episode 45: The End

I knew if I involved Velmer, he would more than likely kill my double. He was next door, but for the sake of avoiding casualties, I went in alone. Danger was in the wrong, but he was worth saving. When I got home, I burst through the front door with...

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Pitch Episode 44: Two Steps

I had a tiny ray gun with a kickback too strong to use more than once, and at least three small mirrors. My magic resistant gloves were already on, but they were purely defensive. While Danger spoke, I concentrated on escaping. He had my parents,...

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Pitch Episode 43: Clarity

Magic couldn't solve every problem. It wasn't a perfect thing, but it was a resource. I never wrote a locator spell myself, but I was on better terms with BJ. Her family was sure to have access to one or more spells capable of finding a lost person....

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Pitch Episode 42: The Slip

I wasn't the smartest, and I was far from the most athletic. I didn't have skills or talents of any kind that I could see being useful. At least not in a practical sense. The ability to make freak accidents occur wasn't something I'd ever want to...

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Pitch Episode 41: Latch

I woke up the next morning to my first hangover ever. I couldn't open my eyes for 10 minutes while I adjusted to the assault of sunlight. Sound knocked me around like a rag doll with nowhere to escape. I couldn't say how I made it home, but I could...

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