The Warriors - 2

Chapter 2 Xander Xander sat silently in his new cell, staring at a picture of him and his brother after Kyle had returned home from a deployment. ...

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A New Season - Chapter 1

About eight months ago, I posted an intermediate Rocky Mountain Times Chapter which was meant to span parts one and two. In this post, I stated that I would begin work on part two...

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Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

Due to recent questions by a few readers, I'm writing this to clarify a few generalizations, assumptions, and personal viewpoints which are present in my stories. These will mostly be about the religious structure but I will also address...

Polytheism Within My Writing

I've finaly taken the time to lay out the supernatural beings who ocupy the world of my stories. You may notice many similarities to the Greeks. This is a continuation of my seies of general information. **The Major Three** **Eryn:** Goddess of...

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Fallout - Dodge and Weave

My thoughts continued to traverse paths of memory and emotion, building an ever thickening web of interconnections, possibilities, and reason. Though all of my recent actions had pointed towards reuniting my old squad, there were three individuals...

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Fallout - Welcome Home

-NEW MESSAGE -FROM: HQ -TO: BRAVO -SUBJECT: #1 Thank you. Remain in position and watch for others. Alert me of any changes. -END MESSAGE I...

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Aftermath - Reunion

"Traci, get down!" I squeezed the trigger firing a shot at the intruder. They blurred into motion, flattening themselves to the ground so quickly that I was...

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Aftermath - The Quiet Life

This is the final part of the Kirian Harper Trilogy beginning with The Academy and Task Force. It's hard to believe where this story has ended up. I would never have made it without the...

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Task Force - This is Not a Drill

It's been two years. Two long years of training. It's hard to believe I'm twenty now. Twenty years old, in my prime, and one of the five most effective killers in the...

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Aftermath - Mysteries

"Sir!" "What is it Captain?" "I think you need to look at this report sir. I think we may have a problem with...

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Aftermath - Opportunity

"Hello? May I speak to Mr. Eryn Snow?" "This is him." "Good afternoon sir. My name is Larry...

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Aftermath - Intermission

I was crouched behind a rock, bullets flying past my position and chipping the stone. I spun out and opened fire on blurry figures below me, taking single shots from a long barreled...

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