Shady Impressions: A Gathering of Giants #2

**Chapter 3** "Russo... Russo... Russo you need to get up. If you sleep in much later we won't make it back to Tedrah before the sun sets." Jem said as he gently shook his friend awake. Letting out a huge yawn, the mage slowly sat up in bed. Tongue...

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Shady Impressions: A Gathering of Giants #1

**Chapter 2** **By: RaddaRaem** There was hardly a cloud in the brilliant blue sky as Russo walked alongside Jem and a badger down a quaint dirt path winding through the countryside. Both sides of the road were beset with wildflowers that dazzled...

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Shady Impressions

The human cursed to himself for having the poor misfortune to be traveling at night under a moonless sky. He had never anticipated that the cloud cover would be so thick this evening, rendering travel through the forest, and his search for what he was...

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Shady Impressions: Lowered Standards and a Dash of Demons #2

**Chapter 18** After his tale was told, Jem and Dax looked down at Russo with mixed feelings. The wolf was unsuccessfully stifling a snicker and the collie looked down at the human smirking in disbelief. "As umm... fantastic and entertaining as that...

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Shady Impressions: Lowered Standards and a Dash of Demons #1

**Chapter 17** Only one day remained until the harvest festival took place, when the town of Tedrah would exhibit one last burst of life before winter came barreling in. It was one of the most important events of the year for the town and everyone...

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