The Last Day of November

I would've loved this town when I was younger. This is pretty much the sleepy small town of my dreams when I was sixteen. A pretty small population, it's in the middle of a really dense forest, and it looks really pretty in the snow. Plus, I never...

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Nothing Will Hurt You

It's cold. I curl myself into a little ball, the position I'm most comfortable with when I sleep. The cracked concrete is hard and freezing, and so are the chains on my wrists. My body is aching, my back is throbbing and bleeding, and I feel sluggish....

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The sea was still that night, and all the stars were out. Jack looked around, from the sails down to the crew below, and chuckled to himself. Before he joined, he heard stories of how the seas did not take kindly to pirates. They said storms, heavy...

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Light Years

I stare at the ceiling, sagging into the chair and gathering every ounce of my energy. My break ends any time now, and I have to go do my job. I'm not dancing tonight, thankfully--I don't know if I could do that in the state I'm in. I still have to...

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All Too Well

I lie on my bed, knowing immediately that this is going to be one of those nights. I toss and turn for a bit, then I shut my eyes, but I'm still wide awake. It's four in the morning, yet it's like I got eight hours of sleep, only with none of...

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The Last Day of November (December Morning Version)

It's an early winter this year, so it snowed before I reached town. I think heard of this place before. A small town by a mountain range that doesn't show up on most maps, antique buildings with lampposts dotting the street and streets and parks,...

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