[Com] Fox McCloud (Starfox) Vs Wolf O' Donnell Part 2
The big, white furred, perky ass of Fox McCloud straddled a bench in the Beast Wars Wrestling locker room. Facing the fox, still in his own admittedly slightly torn trunks, was his long time rival and lover, Wolf O' Donnell. The wolf's face was being...
King (Tekken) Vs King of Dinosaurs (King of Fighters)
King (Tekken) vs King of Dinosaurs (King of Fighters) The sound of buzzing, chirping and rustling leaves was drowned out by the sound of human commotion, pyrotechnics, and roaring speakers. It seemed even the jungle wasn't safe from the reach...
King (Tekken) Vs Bad-Boy-Rey (Mysterio)
King (Tekken) vs Bad-Boy Rey (Mysterio) The sound of a roaring private audience almost completely drowned out the announcer of the underground wrestling federation. This was a league that not only allowed, but encouraged lethal wrestling...
[Com] Fox McCloud (Starfox) Vs Wolf O' Donnell
The lean-muscled, orange-furred fox stood in the middle of the Beast Wars Wrestling ring, microphone in hand. Beautiful as the intricately designed, bone-based piece of auditory equipment was, it went unnoticed in front of the young wrestler's handsome...
[Com] Fox McCloud (Starfox) Vs. Wolf O' Donnell - U2
Another commission! This one by the ultra sweet jhonkolons on Furaffinity. Please go send him some thanks! He's the whole reason you're able to read this story! Now before we get onto the story I want to clarify that, while sharing the same basic...
Star-snuff: A Fox McCloud (Starfox) Vs Wolf O' Donnell Story
Star-snuff: A Fox McCloud (Starfox) vs Wolf O' Donnell story ---Ch. 1--- The lupine's large, grey and white furred ass sat comfortably on the locker room bench. Clad in naught but his old bright purple lycra trunks with...