Merge - 17 - Doubt
#18 of merge self-doubt can rip someone's skills to shreds, and doubting friends or significant others can ruin relationships. can our friends move past their doubts, or will they continue to fester and wreak havoc among the group?
Merge - 16 - Learning
#17 of merge jealousy rears its ugly head within the group of friends, and it remains to be seen what the fallout of that will be.
Merge - 15 - Intelligence
#16 of merge interrogate all the characters! matt, kael and company discover a lot more furs know about their powers than they're really comfortable with. and not all of these furs are interested in cooperating.
Merge - 13 - Faith
#14 of merge everyone has their reasons for having or not having faith. kael's own reasons are important to the kangaroo, but sometimes even your own reasons need to take a backseat to reality.
Merge - 12 - Friends
#13 of merge friends know all of your secrets, your strengths, and your weaknesses. they're there for you through thick and thin, sickness and health. even when they're busy pissing you off, you know they still love you.
Merge - 11 - Sleep
"your friends also believe the worlds are merging?" kazar asked quietly, his yellow eyes narrowed at matt. the husky nodded. "this is quite vexing.
Merge - 09 - Results
#10 of merge matt finally gets to meet jay's family, but gets a cold surprise as part of dinner! kael and laura get together for some discussion time.
Merge - 08 - Stories
#9 of merge three months have passed and now it's summer vacation. life on earth takes a turn for the strange when matt, laura and jay take a little shopping trip, while kael waxes philosophic back at the dorms.
Merge - 07 - Training
#8 of merge and now we get to the part that explains why i really have this story marked as adult. if you don't like male on male action of any sort (real or imagined), you're probably best to skip to the part that starts "after finishing his shower".
Merge - 06 - Connections
#7 of merge matt and kazar find themselves in a situation where they must rely on one another. is matt up to the task, or will he fail and need to be bailed out again? and what's kazar's angle? kael finds out that, dude, clerics are so op.
Merge - 05 - Directions
#6 of merge sometimes even when you think you're in the clear, a past innocent mistake sneaks up on you and blows up in your face. of course, how you handle the resulting drama and how matt handles it may be very different.
Merge - 04 - Peninsula
#5 of merge help can come from a variety of people and places, and matt learns that sometimes he just has to ask.