Wolves' Legacy 3 Epilogue (END)

#10 of wolves' legacy: the unknown world "this is inconceivable!"

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darkness of us all

The two traveled into the unknown world of pokemon and neither had the heart on what to do next.

StormCatcher -Part 1-

This is the story of 14-year-old golden rain (a griffin) who starts her journey into a vast and unknown world. i know it's kinda short, but part two is coming out soon! this is cinna marefern, wishing you good luck, and good fortune!

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Entry #1 (July 15)

These hands have yet to mold the zygote of the unknown world who has slithered through my ears and nibbles at my mind. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

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The Decent prt 2

Not only am i in an unknown world, but i also entered the worst part of it. "what makes it so evil" i asked shaking in my armour. "no one knows.they all never came back.

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Untitled - Prologue (WIP?)

Whatever rational thinking it had was gone and the beast only had one option: to run away from this unknown land, this unknown world that it had came from.

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Chapter 1 : a new friend

This is how i met with a young dragon called spyro on an unknown world untroubled by what is happening. this is how a meet a true hero. all was quite on the bridge righteous fury.

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Towards a Better World (old story)

The young salteren's fears vanished as soon as she understood that her friend came from this unknown world. "i shall follow you 'til the edges of the worlds, she assured, enthusiastic."

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BloodClan Warrior

As if he stepped through a door to an unknown world. coal heard his two-leg call him but knew the two-leg didn't know he had jumped the fence. he looked back at the fence knowing there was no going back now.


Midnight Secret: Negima Academy - Prologue

"okay, all set and ready to face an unknown world; which is unknown to me; in this humiliating dress; with a bundle of books."

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A family, united and then broken.

Deserts, unknown worlds, until he stumbled across the one karashi had been in. he sensed her there and knew she was there, but not where. ralkion had began to scour the planet, in search of his sister.

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mliatbhrpg ch13

You have come to a previously unknown world. it's location in space, time and reality is unknown. the very laws of physics are different on some levels. that is why your munitions will not work."

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