Expedition: Intimacy and Exposure

Shadow, are those fiji i taste?" "okinawa, actually." shadow beamed as she took a sip herself. "it was surprisingly hard to get considering that it costs a pittance to make." "i'll bet you've been holding onto this stash for a while."

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A Change In The Wind (Act1, Book2, Chapter13)

He glanced down at the broken coffee table and blinked at a bottle of fiji spring water that was previously not there. "i, uh ... thanks." "no problem." "so other sex demons heal, fair enough, but i thought they were mortal?

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The Last Journey Of Theodore Vulcek, Leader, Beloved Husband, and Pack Brother

He could have said he was doing anything, running away, joining the army, hunting bigfoot, building a boat and sailing to fiji, and i would have said take me with you before he could finish."

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"take me to the billboard or we're not waiting until you get accepted to a university in friggin' fiji before breaking up." brad looked at me, in a panic. "it'll be fine, dude. you know what a piece of trash this town is becoming.

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