Chapter 4

I blinked at my email, the coffee mug half way to my lips. This can't be right. The email was from the Dean of the school that Rei was attending. I say was because apparently, my son is no longer attending that school. Of course, this was something I...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Seventeen

Victus flowed through his Tai Chi forms with the peaceful grace of a fish gliding through water. The cool dawn air, made humid by the surrounding acres of grass growing unnaturally on this near-desert world, felt dense and energizing as it moved in and...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-three

Cross-bred, heavy on the shepherd and rottweiler types, with others mixed into the genome here and there." as he described his student, the picture in his mind sharpened and cleared.

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Not So Romantic First Date , Part 3

Saying he was scared would be a tremendous understatement he mixed a yelp and shout out of surprise as he felt a pair of hands grasp the back of his hoody and the bottom of the seat. a couple fingers were gripped to the top of the seat and were just under

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-One

"I'm worried about my boy." Dagen pulled a used paper napkin out of his pocket and wrung it in his hands, absentmindedly twisting it this way and that. Even though dead air was generally discouraged while on long-distance vid calls, he was glad that...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty

"i might be mixed, but i'm not stupid." surprised by the sudden change in lucas's attitude, victus quirked his head in confusion. "i don't know what i did to offend you, lucas, but i apologize for my actions."

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen

During his contemplations, as he watched the other man cavort back and forth across the field with sapiens children half his size, victus considered that lucas's instinctive unifying behavior might have helped him overcome his mixed-race heritage,

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Filling the Void - Chapter Eighteen

He was mixed breed, exhibiting traits of both rottweiler and shepherd canines. although this sort of mix conferred no genetic instability that victus was aware of, it did pose social challenges.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-Two

From the chair in his private office, Negin Mal glared down at his personal guards from the raised platform he'd had constructed behind the desk to enhance his psychological advantage. To Mal's consternation, Victus's air of cool detachment hadn't...

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Zoo-Cha de Apuestas: Nick Wilde vs Judy Hopps

"Is it starting?! Is it starting?!" Nick Wilde rolled his eyes as Judy scrambled into the room, stumbling over her rather considerably sized feet, and sending popcorn scattering around the small forest-district apartment they shared. She recovered...

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CHAPTER 1: the rising sun

**CHAPTER 1: the rising sun** RRVVVVVvvvvvvvvvvvvv... RRRRVVVVVVvvvvv TATATATATATATAtata...TATATATATAtata \*crack\* \*muffled shouting\* \*a muffled defence\* Scraaaape scraaaaaaaape scraaape... Grey slowly opened one eye, a plume of...

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Erina's rough ride. Rough draft

Exveemon was the first to take her on, he was a very muscular blue wolf, dragon mix. his wings swung open wildly and his horns were bent back. he did a very low growl as he started charging her.

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