Cosmic Stars - Chapter Sixteen

He hesitated a moment, giving tang some time. "thank you, tang. for being there when..." tang turned in her seat and smiled at her brother. "it's what big sisters do, little brother.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Thirteen

"lord fa, tang has been commanding in you leave, and jun when tang's been off planet. are you well enough to go back to commanding?" "i do not have a choice," lord fa answered.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Six

"lead the way, tang." "right," said tang. her crooked smile was more predominant. she and yelena took the lead and started to walk away from the shuttle that was docked in an airlock.

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Bad Kiwi vs. The Spooty Men Who Wear Ninja Suits (Part One!)

tang began, "why don't you like ninjas?" "i like ninjas--" "lies!" tang yelled as he slightly nudged ronnie so he would tip over. ronnie kept his balance. "you hate ninjas! am i correct?"


Cosmic Stars - Chapter Six

From the tunnel walked in tang fa, commander cassander and the velmarian that nishant subdued and captured. the velmarian was no longer tied or beaten but walked submissively behind the two female leaders. "thanks for waiting everyone," said tang.

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Honor In Blood Chapter 5

Viper and li-tang had been in the hot spring when the rain had started and mr. ping's shop was closer then the jade palace. "i hope it's okay for you to stay here until the rain stops," li-tang said.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 25 Part One

"but if you two come, i need tang to assist my new science team in finding a form of detection for the stealths." "i'll add it to my list," replied tang. the suite doors were opened again and several restaurant employees walked in with plenty of food.

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Galactic Conflict - Epilogue

He couldn't even meet tang's eyes. instead he took a step towards the ship and ignored the marten. "we've been working on your blood samples, you don't have to leave," tang said, watching the fox walk toward her.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Five

"i don't blame you for my parents' death, tang doesn't, and neither did they. they proclaimed you the savior of our civilization."

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 12

This is tang and jun fa. they have their own theories." "the degree of stealth performed by this creature is the most advanced anyone has ever seen," said the taller female pine marten, tang.

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Dark Confessions

You must return to arca... for i have foreseen tang's return... you must send him back to the depths of hell in which he came..."

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 28

"we're going with you then," said tang, stepping up behind her brother. "no you're not," the admiral said sternly. "yukiomaru," tang began, stepping into the bridge. "we've already failed.

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