Chaos in Jelasar CH.1 - How it all started.

Stable 550km orbit above jelasar, a massive gas giant with several moons.]

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File #9

How could doctor tao be here as well, he was on the warrior, trapped in a gas giant. how could he also be here, where ever muraco might be.

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The Adventures Of Bloodstrype Ch1) History and a Headache

They appear to be operating from a ground base on a moon orbiting a gas giant on the far side of the star. there is also a mobile force in system which launched the fighter attack." "thank-you, lieutenant .......?" "silverstar, sir."

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File #10

He told muraco that eranus iii, was not actually a gas giant at all but an extinct alien civilisation had created a massive generator using some form of particle synthesis the disguise their world from outside intruders, in a similar way to how the once thought

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book Two - "Atlantis"

"this planet is not a gas giant at all, but was once an m-class world populated by a race called the iccobar. the illusion of a gas giant is a form of camouflage, to disguise the planet from being discovered...

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Change of Perspective Page 34

The system was full of resources with three solid planets, two gas giants and a massive and plentiful asteroid belt of a planet that never managed to form due to the two gas giants on either side of them.

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51 (DSV Nautica) Rest

It was comparable to many gas giant rings in terms of luminosity. down below, the oceans covered almost 85% of the planet, with thin strands of islands and continents dividing it up into multiple oceans and numerous seas. an arm hugged her shoulder.

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File #6

They were out of options, the warrior would spiral out of control and be crushed by the intense atmosphere of some random gas giant. would this be how his story ended? would this be the end of his current life and the end of every life on the ship?

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Capsule: Rise of ASHH (Chapters 1-3)

As the evening crawled on and the gas giant began to rise over the horizon, the rain had picked up enough to cloud your vision. i woke loat up and we quickly packed up the camp.

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Avenger: Prologue

_ thought the felinoid as he sat on his bunk, looking out the viewport toward the swirling upper layers of a gas giant. _three years and the same sights every day. maybe one day something interesting will happen.

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The Lore of Peccatum

The gas giant is rich with valuable minerals, but due to the massive gravitational pull, it would be impossible to harvest them, or at least any amount that would be worthwhile.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 01

If he did tucker would just keep falling into the gas giant until he reached the end of the playable area and the game despawned him. he turned to greet the arriving horseman. "longpine! it's been a while. how was your trip?"

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