14th December

# 14th december the scent of heat woke vince up. mia was still lying in his arms sleeping tight and from under the cover her strong scent waved right into the nose of the wolf pup.

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13th December

# 13th december the night got all three of them re-energized and after a short but chatty breakfast vince, tracy and lilly went to their castle again.

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12th December

# 12th december it was a morning like every day. the girls were awake long before vince and woke him up by jumping on his bed. vince grabbed his blanket because he felt again that he got a morning wood.

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11th December

# 11th december vince was tired when the girls woke him up this morning. he walked around like he was still sleeping and it took him much longer to shower and prepare for the day. when he joined them for breakfast they were nearly finished.

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10th December

# 10th december vince had managed to shower and put his pajama into the washing machine without the girls noticing that it was all sticky and wet between his legs. after a quick breakfast the children went out to their castle to continue their work.

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9th December

# 9th december vince was happy about his new warm clothes. stacy gave him the clothes her father got for him this morning after breakfast. "they are from me and sarah." she said and winked to him.

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8th December

# 8th december this morning vince woke up to the usual laughter and chatter of the girls. they were playing in the room and it already was bright outside. "good morning sleepyhead." he was greeted by tracy.

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7th December

# 7th december vince woke up with a wet feeling at his stomach. he could feel his hard member and his knot being sandwiched between his belly and the fur of someone else. "good morning big boy."

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6th December

# 6th december this morning tracy and lilly really had sweets in the shoes they put in front of their room the day before. someone even put vince shoes there and he found something in them as well. for vince this was a wonderful morning.

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5th December

# 5th december again the girls had beaten vince with waking up. he could hear them screaming and giggling on the floor while he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. he already was half out of his bed when the girls stormed in. "good morning!"

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4th December

# 4th december vince got used to being around tracy and lilly the whole day. in the few days they already were like little sisters for him. when they woke him up this morning he just smiled at them and got up quickly.

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3rd December

# 3rd december vince slept late again until the girls woke him up by bouncing on his bed. reluctantly he took a shower and put on fresh clothes.

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