29 (DSV Nautica) Three days

They spun lazily in space, before coming to, and looking around,  roaring in anger at yet another escape by the erebus.  

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All of this for a damn backpack

I was walking back to school to get my backpack back since I forgot it on my way home, I was feeling pretty annoyed but... I couldn't get my grades falling in the void. The school was 30 minutes close to close, but I managed to get there a soon as...

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Caged Balloons - chapter 3

There isn't many staff today so not much resistance to my escape. \ i sprint through the double doors and out into the chilly, winter air.

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Ch3 Inmate

Never said he escaped from the local prison... just that he escaped, and frankly, thats all you need to know, pup." the fox spoke up, almost spitting out the words. "the suspect's a jet black lupine.

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Rude Awakening - Eonfurioso commission

Finished commission story for eonfurioso on fa: this story was pretty interesting to work on, bonus points for the whole 'test subject tries to escape' type storyline is right up my alley as a sci-fi/cyberpunk fan ;d rated adult for violence and the twist

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The White Robe Chapter 27

Corbett pulled his phone out as soon as he walked out the front door of the hospital. In his other hand, he clutched the folder that Amine had given him, afraid to even let his grip slacken on it for fear that it would be carried away by the wind, or...

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New Beginnings...

The humanoid vixen pulled the sleeping youth closer to her body as she paused to catch her breath. She leans her weight and her sons on her arms against an oak tree. Her fox ears twitched listening for the sound of any pursuers. So far, there was...

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Can I escape?

Is it possible that i can escape from this mental prison? can i find that euphoria once again?

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New Hopes: Escape

She had run a very long way from her captures, her scientists and experimenters. Fauna was so tired but she was afraid to stop and sleep herself. They might find her and bring both of them, her and her child, back to that prison. They will not! She...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Thirteen

"we've collapsed the tunnels and it's killed most of the creatures inside but every so often we see some vines trying to escape. if we simply collapse the tunnel on the creature, i do not think it will be enough.

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Noir Hero part 4

This will better our chances at escape." we ran out of the tower and towards one of the gates. "hold on." he said calmly. he looked around and whispered back at me "stay calm. act natural. we get through here, we're home free."

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Blacklisted Chapter 2: Revelations

Swim at a friend's pool, play football at the park, escape from a prisoner transport. anything is possible on this day, including escaping from prisoner. now back to vince.

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