Lonely Oak Chapter 41

Kval helped her with the mosquito-netting, which was really weird. she had a bit of confusing trouble when she practiced getting in and out of the cot, but it seemed to cover everything just fine.

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23. Pick Your Berries Wisely

That was the tenth mosquito that suel had to swat off of him as he made his way down the dirt trail. the trees were in full bloom, spring had arrived, and with the fresh tropical air, even in northrend, mosquitos came in droves.

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Wages: Chapter Five

A mosquito buzzed in his ear, and stupidly he tried to slap at it, only to have it be replaced with five more. _bug spray, h__e_ thought regrettably, _shoulda brought some fucking bug spray!

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The Beloved Pet Ch1

It is in this lone moment of musing that i feel a mosquito crawling on the back of my neck. reaching to remove it i feel an object the size of a aaa battery. with only the time to remove it and look at it ever so briefly, my view fades into a black haze.

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Garden Face

She imagines the mosquitos and flies will somehow tattle, that a beetle on the ceiling raises its head in stunned horror, but she continues yet.

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My Friend the Were-Otter 1

As ryan and i were finishing our tent up, we could hear aisling smacking away at the mosquitoes landing on her, even though we were a good fifteen meters away.

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Lines in the sand (commission for Summer Vixen and Maag)

_not as troublesome as mosquitoes, but a bit messier if we're carrying sandwiches with us_. she had no idea why she was so keen on thinking about insects all of a sudden.

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The strange summer camp

Matthew , ryan, martha and olivia they had mosquito bites and put ointment. also the monitors, they prepare the nets as they had many mosquitoes at night . after, they dined burgers, were cleaned their dishes and then went to sleep.

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Night at the Campsite (2020)

His limp dick hung between his legs as a tiny mosquito landed on top of it before it sunk it's beak into the flesh and started to suck up the rich hot blood from inside, the hare moved his hand down quickly to brush away the insect as it made its way

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Regressive Tendencies: The Beginning (Chapter 2)

She sat up in her folding bed and found herself in her tent, with the mosquito netting zipped shut.

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The Silverscale Arena: December 2020 Ch. 2 (Day/Night 1)

Turns out, while looking for firewood, she had been beset by a swarm of mosquitos. think alaska bad. that's how big the swarm was and how basky seriously needed to get an exterminator. "fuck! right in the circuits!"

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Complications on the Home Front

Trust me, the question is no more dangerous than a mosquito, but even a mosquito can pass along a deadly disease."                 "yeah, whatever. when this is all over, will you tell me what it was?"                

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