Hunt for the oni

Head and saw the words 'ynir was here with tarro' which was ridiculous because no one had ever heard of such a pair of adventurers and those that claimed they had encountered the duo were also the same kind of people who believed they could commune with the underdark

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The City (Kreet 51)

Surely even the underdark paled in comparison to this unbelievably huge concentration of humans. sigmundurr laughed at her expression, mirrored by kallid. she shut her mouth with a pop. "ever been to a real city, kreet?"

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Wings - Kreet 81

Surely you've ran into them in the underdark?" "well, sure! most very loose in the head if you ask me. they're just trying to raise the stature of the kobold race though, i figure.

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Sinner - Kreet 74

." \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* an hour or more passed while kreet, kallid and miss tribi whiled away the time by talking about kreet's time in the monastery or kallid's time in the underdark.

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Interlude (Kreet - 64)

In the underdark i knew my way around. the dark elves ran the place, and us kobolds knew what we needed to do to survive. but that never involved actually fighting. we'd never stand a chance. so we became servants." "kally..."


Brigands - (Kreet 95)

"i grant you don't see those in the underdark, do you mr. kallid?" asked mr. todd, grinning ear-to-ear. "no sir," kallid said, the wonder in his own voice clearly evident. "no, we don't." "what is it?" night asked, and kallid understood the question.

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Trust - Kreet 73

I've thought about running off to the underdark, but i've read plenty about it. i don't want to become a slave, kreet. i'd rather be a pathetic, sex starved fat kobold down here in the archives than that."

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Prideful Pair: Chapter Three

"unfortunately, we are likely going to need to go back to the underdark regardless.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 13: Solstice's Carnival

"if i've learned anything from my time in the underdark, it's that gold and silver can solve almost anything." "and if it can't?" "it's the underdark. i was with the drow. what do you think?" iskdiwercaesin shrugged. "...

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Sent Kobold Chapter 9: Kobold's Lair

Pretty big, since it was a way into the underdark." "the underdark? you mean the place filled with a lot of stuff that are almost always out to kill you? the maze of tunnels under the earth that many would lose the way in?

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Realm of the Dead God

#18 of the dragonrider legends our heroes have returned to the utopia, but they have little time to rest after their long adventure in the underdark.

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Kobold of a Different Color - Kreet 75

Not a lot of clouds down in the underdark. i don't talk about it, but i have to say - the sky outside really fascinates me. i feel like my whole life i was missing clouds and didn't know it." "i'm sorry kally. i didn't think about that.

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