"I've come to bargain.'
His body vanished as another kirby appeared, declaring once more "zero; i've come to bargain!" "you have-" now zero was becoming more and more confused by what he was seeing. "how are you doing this?"
Quality Control
Keywords were "tiger, fox, zero gravity" the following contains mf sex in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. reader discretion is advised. quality control the tiger and vixen had completed their work on the new space hotel room. well, for the time being.
At Arceus' Behest Ch. 01 - What happened.. ?
zero then introduced himself. "is everyone comfortable?" zero waited. "okay, my name is zero, and there's something you should hear before you leave."
Kazufox Interview #8
\*kazufox\*: great, and star zero it is. let's take it to them! sweet, i got my own battle phrase. let's take it to them! \*both james\*: ...-.- ~and so the team star zero was formed.
Dewey Zero-One 00: Heroes and Villains
#1 of [2007] dewey zero-one i had high hopes for this series originally. it was my first real fantasy-type story, and i thought it was going to be great.
The Void part 2
Tingle poked his screen a few times and said "six point three metres per second per second, sir, increasing at a rate of zero point zero zero three..." "that's all i need to know. divert energy from shields to the engines, maximum available thrust."
The Void part 1
With acceleration providing a comfortable artificial gravity both ways, zero-g was not generally experienced at any point. so terrance had been pretty sure that something was wrong.
A Fatal Game 11 - Closure
The cave was almost pitch-black, the walls barely outlining their corners. James noticing many twists and turns throughout the place, as if it were one giant maze. Even the small white lights, wispy flames floating in the darkness, could barely...
A Fatal Game 10 - The Pact
Their forms were incoherent to him, but his best mental description was that they were possibly of an oval shape. He could almost imagine seeing their eyes, but they faded in and out of his perception far too often to tell, like will o' wisps. Each of...
A Fatal Game 9 - Mother
The furious pounding that came from the outside worried James, imagining at first it was coming for him. But the way it was repeatedly bashing on something in the other direction, he cautiously peeked out of the door frame to see the source. A small...
A Fatal Game 7 - Twinkle Twinkle
His flashlight tried its best to light the way, but even the light was afraid to go beyond its reach. Rocks had crumbled around the sides, the crushed remains of human bodies barely seen beneath. It was the first time he had seen any actual bodies in...
A Fatal Game 6 - Blindly Searching
The cold stare of the four Buddhas greeted James upon his awakening. His eyes softly adjusted themselves back to the darkness until he lifted himself up, allowing his flashlight to cast its glare across the floor. The Poe was nowhere to be seen. He...