A Bitch of an Escape Room

A moan escaped Luke's lips as he felt the haze of sleep fade from him. Getting up from the warm surface he was sitting on, he quickly realized it wasn't his bed, which alarmed him slightly. Having not had anything alcoholic to drink the night prior,...

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A Soft Spot for Strays

"Thanks again, man. I'm gonna crash. Night!" Alec said, lying down on the couch and pulling the blanket over him. His buddy, Mac, bid him goodnight and went into his room alone with a sigh. The recent breakup with his girlfriend was rough,...

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Who's a good boy?

You wake up gradually, your head hazy from recent events. All you can recall is that you had been in for a job interview for some sort of software firm that promised full-time hours and benefits. You were more than excited when you'd gotten the job,...

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Love's True Form

Leung kept his gaze down at his plate, nervous even in the normally calming presence of his love. Nora had been doing most of the talking this evening while Leung put in only the minimum to respond. He was normally more vocal during their dates, but...

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An Asinine Ritual

"Come on man, it will be fine!" Adam exclaimed as he skimmed through the worn book in his hands. "Fuck, fine," I whined, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of my voice. I'd much rather be spending the evening drinking,...

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Locker Room Hunt

Sweat poured off Eli's body as he stood breathing heavily in an empty locker room, clad in only a jockstrap. It had been his day to go running, his now-normal routine after almost a year of quarantine. Despite never being much for the gym, he seemed to...

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The Chief's New Groove

"Over here, Chief!" One of the lieutenants called out, waving him down from across the crime scene. Chief Bogard sighed audibly and carried himself over towards the eager young man. He had no business being out here, even though he was a captain. His...

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Skittering About While the Wife is Out

"Dammit Jane, stop that! For now, anyway," David whispered in his usual teasing tone. I smirked, going back to cleaning the windows of his study. Though it was his usual workspace, I knew for a fact that David came in here while I was working just...

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Bull

Peter sighed as he gazed down at his torn suit, the result of tonight's latest close encounter. No sewing kit would be enough to fix the massive gashes on the front of his costume. Doc Conners had been particularly nasty to him this...

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Heel, Boy!

Doing his best not to swear loudly, Tyler pulled his finger gently from the nail as he climbed the rest of the way through the window. Pulling out a disinfectant wipe, he carefully rubbed down the area, trying to remove any traces of his fingerprints...

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Another Day in the Office (Website Exclusive Preview)

6:00 am. Again. Fuck. I did not get enough sleep last night. And today was going to be a busy one. I'd be in the office late for sure. I groaned, getting out of bed and going through my morning routine as quickly as I...

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Soaking up the Summer Sun

Gabe woke up slowly, the heavy scent of chemicals burning in his nostrils. The ground felt rough and dirty, leaving him to wonder how he'd gotten outside. He opened his eyes, trying to recall where he was, what had brought him here. He had attended a...

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