Spiral Nebula - Chapter 4

Orange haze covered a small town outside of one of the largest cities on the dusty planet. The buildings that the town was composed off were loud, and full of smoke. The street was busy with hundreds of pedestrians, many of whom were homeless. One of...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 3

Dark empty halls stretched on until they faded in the darkness. Five young wolves ran silently toward the darkness. They only had more dark halls to turn back to. Despite the silence that followed them, the smallest wolf knew that they were being...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 2

Trees and foliage covered thousands upon thousands of acres, stretching over rolling hills. It was autumn this time of the year, so the forest was decorated with radiant colors ranging from orange to blue, green to red. Some trees were only beginning...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 1

Darkness shrouded the small room, save for a dull light that reflected out of a fox's eyes. The eyes scanned a hologram monitor, the source of the light, reading through pages and pages of text and glancing over mugshots of several dozen military...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Nine

_Quick mission_, thought the young marten. His lungs and eyes burned, but he held his breath and kept his eyes shut while he sat in the dark corner of the tunnel. Smoke sunk into his fur, having no way to escape the tunnel so far underground. Having...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eight

Sunlight nearly blinded the ermine when he stepped out from the tunnel in the side of the mountain. Once his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, he was able to see the small structure built among the trees. The two leaders of the planet's survivors were...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Seven

Fire blossomed against the dark veil of stars while the destroyer exchanged fire with another capital ship. Both unleashed volley after volley of projectiles at each other in a classic shootout, but the favor easily went to the destroyer. The other...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Six

Silence had the room covered as if it were mist. The sun was rising now, shining through the cabin's windows and slow crawling across the floor. Evidence of the nightly battle was revealed wherever the light had touched, exposing bullet wounds and...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Five

Breathing slowly, Jun strained his eyes to see what was in front of him. With the emergency lights having lost source of energy as well, the marten had to place his paw on the tunnel wall to guide him through the pitch darkness. _I hope Tang hasn't...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Four

Tiriaq struggled to keep his heart rate steady but it always accelerated just before entering a battle. His ermine eyes watched out the back open hatch but the forest blur was only a blur of motion while his ship flew over it at high speeds. The...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Three

She was the first to hear the news. The report wasn't sent by the Intelligence Agents that were conducting this mission but was broadcasted through the various relay satellites scattered within and beyond the Black Line. The others didn't take the news...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 26

Across the desert of dried up planets were the scars of the battle that took place overhead. The dry plants had quickly taken flame and burned black when a piece of debris had fallen anywhere near it. Pieces of the hull of the massive cluster of ships...

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