2nd December

#2 of christmas at snow valley it is the 2nd december and a new small chapter. disclaimer: this is an original story by me (imya). it involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment.

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1st December

There was just too much that happened on this first december day.

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No Dick December

#1 of no dick december warning: completely different than my normal hyper stuff! this was inspired at the gym last night.

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December Pleasure

#3 of december series merry christmas everybody, here's a present. ethan and akira, the main characters of "december coffee" and "june rejection" having a bit of fun. it happens immediately after "december coffee."

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December Anniversary

#5 of december series first off, let me say sorry for the weird indenting. for some reason when i transferred it here i had to manually do it to half of the paragraphs so its not a picture perfect. -.- but here we are! december anniversary.

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December's Hope

However as the month of december fades from existence, the clear glass acquires its first stain. hope's arms retract as old wounds resurface through the drunken streets. the viciousness of reality begins to gnaw at the back of our heads.

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December's Ending

As we both look back on this road That we have taken I start questioning the reason Why this path was chosen for us And even though the answer was clear We still kept on searching Like if the answer was hidden beyond human reach And it's sad to...

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5th December

# 5th december jen slowly got used to the gold air that blew into her face, but she was happy that the thick jacket kept the rest of her body warm.

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4th December

# 4th december "this is the lake." jake pointed at a big white plateau that filled an area surrounded with trees and started just a few steps away from the path they stood on. none of the kids was looking at the ice.

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3rd December

# 3rd december jen took a while to realize where she was. she woke up by sophie returning into the house from a check on the boys, who were up already. jen could hear the boys shout and play outside and pulled her cover more over her body.

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2nd December

# 2nd december jen's mother had woken her up very early. even though jen had been very excited for this day, she was sleepy like every morning and like in trance she changed her clothes into those her mother gave her.

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