
It all started many years ago, when she had come to icara as a young girl on the verge of adulthood, smuggled past customs on a kyyreni oil tanker.

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The First Penitatas - Year's End

A similar affair was being played out in the other rows, with a great deal of attention being paid to the centre of the southern row where the non-kyyreni rejuves were currently taking their turn.

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The First Penitatas - A Moment Shared

It was as though the gods themselves had willed the moment, and the two kyyreni met in a simple, intimate kiss. skal let his eyes slide closed, losing himself in the moment.

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The First Penitatas - The New Status Quo

The girl in question was a kyyreni, as most were. dawnsider, as most were. her performance was recorded for security reasons, as her private show was a hair's breadth from sexual abuse.

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The First Penitatas - The Pillory

Passersby clearly knew of his needs, as more than once a passing kyyreni would stop and torment him by holding their meals up to his nose and filling his senses with the hot, spicy scent.

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The First Penitatas - Luck of the Draw

He'd recommended an age six paddle, as kyyreni aged faster than humans and were often tougher. kadan chose an age 7 paddle, and a narrow headed one at that.

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The First Penitatas - The Fallout

He spread the forge-faith to the tribes most like his own; the 'true' kyyreni who had a god-given duty to unify the world under one banner.

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The First Penitatas - Justice

It was always sunrise, mimicking the perpetual dawn that gave the kyyreni dawnsiders their name. they entered via a small gate close to a tight growth of trees and bushes.

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - Karma

Left in the dark, the kyyreni prisoners often turned on one another; beatings were frequent, and prison rape was not unheard of. more terrible than any of that, however, were the nights of cannibalism.

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The First Penitatas - Out of the Pit

No amount of soap could hide the faint, yet unmistakable fragrance of a kyyreni female. he sniffed deep again and startled as sam's tongue caressed his boyhood, seeking to coax the tip free of its hiding place.

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The First Penitatas - The Lives That Follow

Everything above the jaw was bare of fur, his eyes and thermal pads missing beneath the worst skin-graft known to kyyreni-kind.

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