True Devotion

She hardly noticed when muse grunted and came all over her back, soaking her.

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Telling the Truth

"you sure, muse?" muse nodded to the pidgeot that he'd grown close to, "yeah. thanks for asking, janette." "no problem," she smiled. "what's her name?" "becca." "cool name. is she staying at a hotel?"

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Stallion Up

"oh, now this is a cute one," the pidgeot murrs as she gently draws muse over to the large couch. "what's your name? i heard that you changed it to fit your pony form." "uhh... muse. muse scroll." "you write?" muse grins, "a lot."

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Winging It

Man, it would be so nice to be able to fly. Better yet, to fly as a Pokémon! Hmm, but which one? "Hello? Earth to Janette!" "Huh?" Janette said, snapping out of her dream-like trance. "Was the view nice? You had your head in the clouds...

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Cool Warmth

"Was that Uken?" "Yeah, she called about a small costume party at her place later today. She recommended a place to get some." "Oh, cool. You going?" "Of course, how about you?" "Of course I'm going to go with you. Should we go get the suits...

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Suiting Up

"She recommended this place..." The little bell above the door chimed as a person entered the store. He looked about at the selections, raising an eyebrow at the variety. "Hello," A feminine voice called from the desk, making him turn to the lady...

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Soaring Scrolls

"hey, muse," the pegasus greeted as he came in. "oh, hey, soarin," muse replied, his quill still in his levitation field.

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A bed time story ( Part 1)

muse "time to go to bed kate." said the mother lion as she walked into her daughters room, she looked around and squinted not really sure where her daughter was. "kate?" a little lion cub popped up " awh mommmm please? one more minute."

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Love for Life

"that's quite the title to love up to," he mused quietly. "and yet you do. i told the spell what i wanted: the target of my spell, my mate, to have an equine penis big enough to enter my uterus and spread my vagina very wide.

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Healing for a Spell

"_Peas, peas, peas, eating Grober's peas,"_ A male voice sang happily, as he drove in his old jeep down the dirt road. This lucky man - well, as lucky as one could get when stuck in a war zone doing surgery two, three days at a time - had just been...

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Stay With Me

The world population is somewhere up in the billions. It's mostly because of the fact that all of the couples in the world tend to want children; of course, there are couples that just have sex for the hell of it. One trio, a female and two males,...

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When Books Fly

She lay there on the bed, waiting as she read her book of choice. It was late, and she had already bid good night to her assistant, having seen him to bed in his own room about an hour ago. She'd read this book dozens upon dozens of times before, but...

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