Lonely Oak Chapter 69

Lyza folded her dirty clothes as best she could. Being a girl didn't mean she was miraculous at folding laundry, especially dirty laundry. Worse, Kval was the one who had packed it all away in the first place, so putting it away was almost impossible....

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Lonely Oak Chapter 62

"You all right there, Kval?" He blinked. The fog that had clouded the expanse between himself and the target dissipated in that flash of a second. Atop the bale of hay, his arrow stuck awkwardly upward. "Yeah," the rabbit said, "I might...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 59

Lyza broke away from her brother's hand as they neared the archery range. Lunch had just barely ended, and they were the first at the range. "Mrs. Kiminy, hey!" The ewe stood on a small ladder, which she was climbing down as the rabbit siblings...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 51

It was still gray out. A sheet of clouds covered the sky, colored between violet and blue. It was damply quiet, the only sound the grunting of toads as they lumbered in the wet morning grass. Lyza sleepily walked down the hill. Her brother and she...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 41

A spider. Fat the size of a quarter, hanging idly by its silk in the dark, waiting. For what, who could ever know; there was not a way at all for any prey to come within the confines of the tent. It was just there, waiting, possibly for night, when it...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 37

It felt like she was lying mud. The air was thick and hot and she felt heavy. A copious amount of sweat was collecting underneath her back, which had an ache all up and down just to the left of her spine. Lyza sleepily pried her eyelids apart....

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Lonely Oak Chapter 48

"Pull!" Lyza's fists clenched tighter. She waited, waited, waited. When the force of the sound hit her, she felt it stop her heart and shove the breath from her lungs, like someone had jabbed her in the gut. Kval pumped the shotgun and readied it...

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A Fated Reality-Chapter 20

**This is the last dare chappy, folks!** **I'm sorry that these were so funny, but...** **THE TOURNEY MUST COMMENCE!** **In any case, these last sets will make you lose your sides.** **They probably may meet with The Constitutionalist's sides......

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Chapter-4_Waking Nightmare

Grant awoke, still groggy, to a click. It sounded like a lock. Grant looked over to see Lisa beside him, still asleep, breathing softly. He smiled, her warmth against him. He wanted to touch her, but was afraid it wouldn't be proper. After all, it...

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Jake's Escape

Jake's Escape Rake looked over the large stone building, surprised to have gotten an acceptance letter back so soon from the new Esseno laboratory that had sprung up rather close to his burrow. As he passed through the front doors an into the...

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The Adventures of Goo-Girl and Pup : Bella's Catch

"Oh come on!" I complained Shiqa and I walked towards the lake. "No! I am not being bait again! Last time I almost drowned!" She growled lowly. I sighed and gave up the argument. Ms. Mino had given me a special liquid so I didn't melt in the water but...

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Garden Troubles

Dog-mom hummed happily to herself as she tended to her gardens, weeding, watering, and planting new flowers and bushes she had picked up the previous day. Even though it was the middle of summer, with temperatures approaching the upper eighties, it...

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