Full Moon Exhibitionists

"I'll be right back honey, sit tight!" Val said with a wink, getting up gradually so that her boyfriend Bert could enjoy her assets. She made a show of walking slowly, giving Bert, and every other straight man in the area, an eyeful as she headed...

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In Stitches

Damien ran recklessly, desperate to get to the beach before sundown, taking his usual shortcut through the woods. He'd been itching to catch some waves all day but his college make-up classes kept him indoors for the better part of the...

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I can't let you do that!

The sharp sound of a buzzer roused Nat from his game as he realized someone was calling for him from the front door of his apartment. Not expecting a package, Nat nonetheless raced out to greet the visitor. He didn't want a potential mailman to drive...

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Striking out on Your Own

"How in the hell...?" I asked aloud as I walked around the empty lot, the full moon shining down on me. There wasn't anyone else around, though no one would believe why I was here anyway. I wasn't sure what would happen if I was found trespassing. But...

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A Weekend of Transformations

Christian looked up at the Maxwell family mansion with trepidation as his family's jeep pulled in. It was not the first time that he had been here, though it was the first time he was old enough to legally use nanite transformation technology for...

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Life's a Witch, then you Fly

"No, stop this pleeeeeasse!" The now-helpless man squeaked, his brown-furred body shrinking into his clothes. Tara smiled at the sight. It was this moment, the moment where her victim, no, her subject, gave out a final cry before succumbing to the...

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This Beast is a Beauty!

Adam sighed, flipping his map this way and that, trying to determine his location within the landscape. He had been traveling for a few hours now, hiking a path in the French countryside as part of a much-needed vacation. Though the path he was on...

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"Are you sure you're ready?" Sarah asked through the intercom as Derek stripped off his coat. He smiled weakly up at her as he stripped down to his underwear, carefully hanging up his belongings on the nearby rack. He wouldn't need them for a while. At...

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Aerosol Skunk Spray

"Hey dude," Ben called meekly to his sluggish roommate as Cory came home and headed straight to his room without a word in response. Ben sighed, going back to his video game with barely a moment's hesitation. It had been a familiar pattern lately. He...

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Walking the Elven Path

Pt. 1 The Elvenpath Brilliant moonlight shone through the room, making it impossible for Christine to sleep. She'd had many wakeful nights like this as of late, which she greatly lamented. Her dreams were the only escape from a reality without...

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Nosing Around the Forest

I sighed audibly, the ache in my muscles starting to get to me from hours being poised in the same position. How did hunters do this all day? Sitting around, still as death, waiting with the slim hope that their prey would just happen to wander by,...

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Unleashing Scaly Pleasures

"How much more do we have to go through tonight!? Fuck!" Ari whined, a sound that was starting to get on Dimin's nerves. Though, in truth, it was more of the workload their professor had tasked them with that was the true pain of the evening! Ari's...

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