Against All Odds: Part 2 - A Sizeable Issue
As promised: here's part 2. I'll aim at getting a chapter posted around about once every week or two from here on in, until I catch up to where I currently am in the course of writing. Thoughts/comments welcome as ever! :) * * * **Part 2 - A Sizable...
Against All Odds: Part 1 - The Proposition
Premise: Nathan and Alexei, two long-time friends living in distant lands, are spending another virtual evening chatting and playing games together. One will make a seemingly innocent proposition, 'come visit me', that has the other facing a tough...
Fear and Desire - Part 4: Rock Bottom
_ **Fear and Desire** _ _ **Part 4: Rock Bottom** _ Sam let out a sharp, winded wheeze as he suddenly fell the short distance down to the cold turf below. Much to his surprise, he never registered a blow, other than the one to his chest upon...
Fear and Desire - Part 5: In Good Times and Bad
_ **Fear and Desire** _ _ **Part 5: In Good Times and Bad** _ The head of the hooded pursuer jolted back violently, Sam's swift fist taking them completely by surprise as it crashed hard up into their snout. Off-balance, the fox followed up by...
Against All Odds: Part 22 - Breaking The Walls
**_Part 22 - Breaking The Walls_** _(Alexei)_ Despite Erik's insistence on heading into the office to chat, he spent the first minute or so inside shuffling anxiously, lost to the world within his own thoughts. The wall of silence built up...
Against All Odds: Part 21 - Escalation
**_Part 21 - Escalation_** _(Nathan)_ Thankfully, journeying back from the old wolf's home proved far less eventful than the visit itself. Even with the echoes of Alexei's terrible argument with Maxim ringing in his ears, Nathan still possessed a...
Against All Odds: Part 20 - Bridges
**_Part 20 - Bridges_** _(Alexei)_ Entering his grandfather's home had become much like stepping into a time capsule for Alexei in recent months, journeying back to a time when he too called this place home. Just like in those days, his paws sank...
Against All Odds: Part 19 - A Guide to the Past
**_Part 19 - A Guide to the Past_** _(Nathan)_ After Erik's problematic stint alone in the shop, Alexei opted to spend the following day working alongside him. He gave his reason for doing as being down the busyness that sometimes followed Sunday's...
Against All Odds: Part 18 - ...and Stark Realities
**_Part 18: ...and Stark Realities_** _(Alexei)_ Alexei glanced over towards the pavement on the other side of the road, a sickening sense of dread starting in his stomach once he found the call's source. "No... not this scum again." The gang...
Against All Odds: Part 17 - Wishful Dreams...
**_Part 17 - Wishful Dreams..._** _(Alexei)_ A cool afternoon breeze swept through Alexei's fur as he stepped off the bus and into suburbia, taking the edge off of the bright sunshine beaming down upon the northern side of the city. As was...
Against All Odds: Part 16 - Home Truths
**_Part 16 - Home Truths_** _(Nathan)_ After such an eventful, rollercoaster start to Nathan's Velikan vacation, the remainder of the first week appeared as if it would provide a welcome change. The most pleasing of these came in the form of his...
Against All Odds: Part 15 - Handle With Care
Part 15 - Handle with Care (Alexei) A soft whimper crept from Alexei's mouth as Nathan's arms squeezed tighter, smiling at the sensation of the kiss upon his muzzle while his heart pounded. The anxiety that almost paralysed him during his hesitant...