Lyra, Ritual

She didn't even notice as seven black robe clad individuals with deep hoods that obscured their faces approached from the treeline. lyra didn't even notice as the seven individuals arranged themselves beneath her.

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 2

"nothing about the individual himself, no, but i do know a bit about the race. they are impressive indeed.

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Pump Up The Jams

It was one that catered to a select few individuals who really liked to let the music fill them up, usually until they burst.

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Zion - Light of the New Moon: City of Myre

individuality in myre is discouraged in public. while it is not expressly forbidden for people to be individuals, it is rarely rewarded. few people are willing to exert effort to stand out since there is no reason provided to excel.

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Ledyba's Story - Chapter Two

There were lots of other 'camp' areas where other matriarchs had made temporary homes for their individual swarms, and while the individual styles and scents were interesting at first, i soon found myself exploring other areas.

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Zion - Light of the New Moon: The Wild Lands

The out-of-the-way retreats of these individuals are known as hermitages. the hermitage of a single individual is usually little more than a cave or a carefully camouflaged hut.

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Armageddon: Prologue Rewrite (Teaser)

A tattered trench coat covered most of the individual's body. its faded beige color was flush with the wall, and it subtly swayed in synchronization with the occasional gust of wind.

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Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Prologue

'coming' into 'physical' contact with the individuals in need..." lexi related, as she stroked her melons and temple. the males quickly caught onto lexi's request, and responded. "alright, we'll help!"

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100 In The Previous Episode of Sethkyllya

Encountering a mysterious individual who seems to know the future, sethkill is advised to find two specific individuals, terrowne kilroy ziusuadra (last seen in a remote outpost in hy-brasil) and cleo ymaris estar (celebrity exotic dancer, rumored brothel

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Lupis Culture: Battle Howls

A middle, high, very high, low, very low scale is again all relative to the individual howling and the nature of sound over distance itself.

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Arctic Fox in the Polar Bear's Jaws

After a few clicks he had an overlay on the spectacle showing individual users move from image to image as lines changing color and direction according to keywords and images chosen as well as their individual histories - their analytically derived threat


On Candy Snakes: A Study of a Rare Species

In fact most individuals produce fluids that are identical in every way to liquefied candy.
