Dewey Zero-One 04: Searching

In fact, years ago, i started a rewrite after recognizing that i was making a mess of things, but ran out of time during the first chapter. i still have the rewrite.

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Dewey Zero-One 03: Lost

In fact, years ago, i started a rewrite after recognizing that i was making a mess of things, but ran out of time during the first chapter. i still have the rewrite.

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Dewey Zero-One 01: Dewey

In fact, years ago, i started a rewrite after recognizing that i was making a mess of things, but ran out of time during the first chapter. i still have the rewrite.

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Me:yup viewers:yay my story is going to starts up again soon but i need ideas and support from all my fav peeps and i need time to rewrite the previous chapters but it will be worth it.

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Master's Pet (Story Teaser)

An exclusive few of you have been privy to the progress of this rewrite and i thank you for not spilling the beans and spoiling the surprise.

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I never rewrite stuff, unless you count typing it after wards. so again, i'm sorry for losing this story


Chapter Seven - Through Electra's Eyes

I stil have yet to rewrite this chapter. however, you aren't missing anything by skipping over this.

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Destination: Sauria Chapter 4: Dissonant Reservations *Taken Down*

I'll either rewrite this or scrap it in lieu for another story. sorry, guys.**

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Underneath it All Researching

I am very sorry for anyone hoping to give this a look, but i have discovered some new things about the characters as i was writing and have determined it's a big enough change to require me to go back and rewrite things.

Underneath It All Studies.wps

I am very sorry for anyone hoping to give this a look, but i have discovered some new things about the characters as i was writing and have determined it's a big enough change to require me to go back and rewrite things.

Underneath it All: Beginning

I am very sorry for anyone hoping to give this a look, but i have discovered some new things about the characters as i was writing and have determined it's a big enough change to require me to go back and rewrite things.

Update, if anyone actually cares.

I will be looking into starting over and rewriting my story from the start. not sure when and if i will but i will leave what i have up just incase anyone actually likes to read what's there.
