the Wolves Chapter 7: wolf hunt

They're on opposite ends of the desert almost."

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Upper Egypt - Chapter Two

The eldest desert wolf gave a sigh, slowly limping out of the hut, into the bright, ever so bright village born in rain.  as he slowly made his way through the village, he was greeted by many.

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A Reason to Live pt 9

"a person learns a lot in the desert. doesn't matter for now though.

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A Reason to Live pt 5

The wolverine, tired from walking and his nerves still on edge from the group's encounter with the desert zombies, began to voice his displeasure.

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A Reason to Live pt 4

Morning dew, deposited on the sand of the desert, quickly evaporated in the rising heat of the day. the granite plateau, once entirely natural, now was fantastically misshapen.

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A Reason to Live pt 3

The disappearing light summoned the desert creatures from their burrows. the fading sun cast a deep orange glow over the desert floor. the three furs inside the small adobe structure had finished their meal.

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A Reason to Live pt 2

It was summer in the desert, and the sunsets lasted hours. the black garbed figure, from his perch high above the plateau, had watched for long enough.

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July 5 2027

"done" the sandy canine moved back to stand up straight, leaning just then under the vehicle's popped hood to cover her face from the desert's blazing sun.

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Into The Future: Chapter 2

"Awake boy!" Facil could hear Baso shout as a thick pillow came down on his head, snickers and giggles from the crocodile followed. "Awake boy!!" Over and over until the hedgehog became fed up with it, grabbing hold of Baso's pillow with a defensive...

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Into The Future: Chapter 1

The warm desert breeze blew through them as the evening sun nearly blinded the hedgehog's eyes. he was still dragged on despite his visual impairment, almost tripping over the small grainy dunes below him a few times.

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A BRCF Volunteer's Log

What remained is about four thousand of brass wyverns scattered around over the savannas and deserts of africa and some regions of asia.

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Among the Desert sands

A mote of dust in among the desert sands.

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