The alien said after him, and soon enough, ben could hear the door of the spaceship close behind him.
The alien explained, seeing the flustered expression of his subject, who didn't even know what to say upon hearing that.
Alien Bodysuit Maker Chapter 2
#3 of alien bodysuit ideas & storys chapter 2 aliens assistant, her first sale with a look of disgust on her face, as the slime from the aliens suit dripped on the table. "well you give me no choice." she said.
Alien Bodysuit Maker Chapter 1
#2 of alien bodysuit ideas & storys chapter 1 alien needing female pheromones to stabilize his human bodysuit. in a dark room, pulsating with small lights, an alien experimenting on a female humanoid.
Space adventure and the Zombie-robot-aliens
Jade turned a corner and almost ran straight into a zombie, robot, alien. he spun around and dashed the other direction. his older brother archer was in the security control room, opening locked doors as jade needed them.
Xenomorph 5
A few hours passed before the aliens got off the predator which had been impregnated the aliens left the area and watched for the new alien to hatch for its host.
Xenomorph 4
Marbles, shayde and ace got to char and viper just in time as a small group of aliens attacked them marbles charged at the lead alien with her sword she ran it through the aliens chest and down its body slicing the alien in two killing it.
Xenomorph 3
With ammunition running low and more aliens approaching ruby and a wounded shooter began their retreat trying to escape the alien's.
Shaelich's Story, Chapter 1
His voice was gruff, highly commanding. As he ordered the Sobie troops, they followed and obeyed his every command. He didn't hesitate to tell them what to do, or what he thought. He watched them scramble to their posts. "Get going, or you'll be...
Huge Invisible
An alien gives a talk on science. huge. invisible. the neutrino rain - particles interact in different ways. light bounces around rapidly, protons and neutrons stick and sloth around, and neutrinos wizz passed everything.
D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive Part 1.
It wasn't long before he was no longer able to hold it up, the alien hissing in his face as his arms slumped to the ground, d'sim falling unconcious.
Emerald Maiden Chapter 10: The Tent
You can expect scenes of giant alien-on-person sex, said giant alien harming people, and acts of depravity such as torturous murder.