Chapter 1: Unexpected Meeting 'Well, well! Now who would have thought to see him here of all places?' Razor mused as he watched the entrance to an out-of-the-way club frequented by males only. What captured his interest was a big male just...
Boss' Bonus
"Kim, where's the Bannseth file?" Roger sat behind his desk and looked around his office, it wasn't very large with wooden double doors to the left, plate glass windows to the right and no more than a few meters between the desk and filing cabinets...
Innocent Turquoise - Just Sex
The Innocent Turquoise series is based on one of my personal fetishes, and I think a bit of an odd one. I've only ever seen this fetish depicted in a couple of images and one hentai, so i doubt it's a common one. The attraction is purely sexual,...
World Divided: Chapter 1 - Past and Present
Prologue Early into the 22nd century, eight gods appeared as pillars of light and moved amongst the inhabitants of Earth for several weeks, giving humanoid form to various beasts. The anthropomorphs were gifted with great powers, elemental,...
Author's Note: I hadn't planned this but it came to me this morning as I was waking up. I somehow alluded to this in my original story Genetic Terrorism. This came out of that unintentional connection. Very sexy and graphic. You've been warned. Enjoy! ...
INTERLUDE (a remake) Author's Note: A very naughty sequel to my story 'Feral Through the Looking Glass'. Hope you enjoy it and please review! Redone due to it being really poorly written and incomplete. Hope you like the redo. The drive...
CLANDESTINE MEETINGS #1 Author's Note: So many enjoyed my little piece about Feral/Chance/Jake in Looking for a Mate or Two and pleaded with me to write some more on them. Well, I still don't want to make a long chapter story about them so I hope...
A NIGHT OUT Author's Note: A one shot with a surprise ending done in first person point of view. A type of fiction I haven't done since Viper's Revenge, Life Changes, and Life Goes On. I had written it in third person as I do with many of my...
After Work
After Work **Kaa Bakensobek** Dale's green, scaly tail swished lazily behind him as he listened to his favorite oldies music while he waited for the bus to arrive. Today had not been a good day at work. Not only the other...
Koko Got Big Banana (gorilla x human)
Warning: this story contains graphic suggestions and descriptions regarding explicit male-to-male human x gorilla eroticism and as such is completely unsuitable for minors and strictly intended as adult entertainment for mature adults who are allowed to view
The Clockwork Falcon - part 6.5: Tied
#7 of the clockwork falcon micro-chapter to set up the next non-explicit section the dawn broke and the lovers were left snoozing, jim's flaccid penis still held lightly between jenny's legs.
Beneath the Obsidian Veil, Prologue
And yes, it's a gay story so yeah...i'll have warnings before each chapter if there's going to be any type of explicit material in them. i don't have a regular update schedule, so please excuse me if i don't update for a month or so. otherwise, enjoy!