Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 4)

The airport was packed for a morning in March, some people hugging and crying as one left and others running to reunite with loved ones again. Today, Thunder would be one of those who cried. She sat in her chair quietly, holding her paws together...

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Thunder In Paradise (Chapter 1)

The tires start to roll against the dry, sanded ground of the Arizona desert. "Wait wait wait!" Thunder screamed after her mother, running to the truck. Thunder was a normal, 15 year old black wolf, on her way to her first day of freshman year at her...

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Slave Girl 03

#3 of slave girl as the young pit bull girl sat at the dining table across from this man, her "master" by law, she tried to ignore the hot sting that still lingered on her ass and pussy, shifting uneasily in her chair. he looked at her, waiting to eat.

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Dog to Dog Chapter 1

The pit bull had never met another doberman, so he thought this specimen in his hands was truly unique.

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Into the Pit Chapter 4: Movies are a bad first date

#4 of into the pit amethyst and rebecca go on their first 'date'. trouble is, rebecca is the only one who sees it as that. chapter 4 of my ongoing series. next chapter will be released next friday. rebecca's paws dug into her baggy pants.

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Albion chapter 1

For a brief moment, he seemed to be appraising the pit bull, and there was a look of curiosity in his brown eyes.

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Crossing the Rubicon (prologue)

I sort of had a thing for big, beefy dogs, like pit bulls and mastiffs. of course, it was also true that i wasn't getting any sort of "interested" vibe from him, which meant he was either into females, or not into me.

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Locker Room Dogs 2.5 – Walk of Shame

My head turns around; the big, brown muscular pit bull is pulling himself out of bed. i must have woken him up. he looks at me, a grin appearing on his muzzle. "i thought i was the only one who'd be up this time of morning."

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Dead Rising A Looters Story : Kapitel 1 Cash, Drugs, Anger

_Da stand Chuck vor der Eingangs Türe 'Das ist also Roy's Mart Hoffenlich gibt es dort Zombrex.' Dachte er gehetzt vom Zeit druck er Schluck einem Zombie der vor der Eingangs Türe stand weg. 'Okay Katey Schatz der Weg ist Frei für dich'. Dan ffnete er...

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Session No. 6

Disclaimers: If you are not 18 or like M/M sex (man, this sounds familiar), I advise you either keep your mouth shut about it, or hit the back button. Max belongs to...

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The Love of a Father (Part 1)

After a minute they manage to push the young pit off. "i'm sorry sir i'm just really happy someone stands up for furs like us." the pit said with a wagging tail. "its quite alright. its been a while since i punched something."

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All or nothing chapter 2

Jack just flashed him a pearly white grin and said 'i would do anything for my perfect pit bull' **10:00 am** after the two had finished eating they quickly took a shower (at the same time) and went to the mall for the day.

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