Wish Upon A Star: New Earth promotional
New Earth: Wish Upon A Star Jaymez Carez was as certain as he had ever been about what was about to transpire: Despite his history, breeding, lessons to peak his intelligence while he forged his physique through years of...
Alcrose - Chapter Thirteen
You're being promoted. congratulations."
Act V
Danath offered byron a promotion for his fast action, but byron surprisingly turned it down offering me his promotion instead. byron turned to me and winked, mouthing the words, "take it, jansen." i silently gulped and accepted the promotion.
Pauly had been a usual before dustin had been promoted, but their similarities were too uncanny for miles to ignore. pauly and dustin could have been brothers apart from the bit of rottweiler dustin had in his face.
Evan's bittersweet summer
"you see evan, i was offered an interview for a promotion at workplace. but unfortunately, the only time they could these interviews were after caleb's daycare closed.
Dragons Lair pt 13
If they did, it was a dead end and he would get a medal and a promotion for taking them in.
So lately my coworker, william, has been getting promoted. this concerns me because i've been working at this company longer than he has and haven't received any promotions. with that in mind i decided to do some snooping.
Lykanpedia interactive introduction
"okay then, i'll talk to you after your promotion then sir?" "promotion? god damnit alex that is no promotion." alex smiled even wider before saying. "but i honestly think you'd make an excellent resource to provide milk to hungry lykans.
Triad's Sci-fi Furry Book, Chapter One (Draft)
This promotion is only temporary, of course. should a more suitable replacement be found off-planet that can be spared, they will replace you. conversely, if none can be found, and i am myself promoted to admiral, you will promoted again to colonel."
Splice Away. part 1-Prologue.
A little young for this kind of promotion." he said as his grotesques smile faded. "and i am worried that promoting you without a clear reason to do so might show favoritism."
Just Another Holiday Office Party
"blitzen will be promoted to santa, and you will be promoted to his old position on the team." he heard the couch creak nosily as santa took his position behind the reindeer, who groaned loudly as hands ran down his muscular chest.
pet training chapter 6
Everything was okay until they promoted me, when they promoted me my first mission was to kiddnapp you and when i saw you i couldn't kill you, so i brought you back here like i said the first time we talked about r.u.s.h ".