Night thoughts - 30. - Because why not?

Night thoughts - 30. - because why not? for some reasons, the seasons seem colder as i grow older in feeling mentally, the same.

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life looking backwards

Just thoughts on a song that changed my views on life. its so powerful, raw, and deep. the question is do we really matter or is it that we never really mattered in the first place, just pebbles in a pond sending small ripples?

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Not Today

I thought maybe he wouldn't shoot me if he knew my name. "i am frederick. du?" "i am... henry." my tongue tripped a bit on trying to put a vatern inflection on my name.

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The Diary of Sanec

I've tried to tell him i thought he was pretty cool, but i just couldn't get him away from the other students \>\_\< he's just too popular!

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Vent Story - Intrusive Thoughts

The thoughts have arisen in the past, of course, but i'm not there. it is a step i am unwilling to ever take. it's just intrusive thoughts. because the brain says 'you're having too much fun. stop it. you know you don't deserve that.'

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Broken Home

What do you make of a broken family? A motherless home. Incompletion, separation, angst and longing. Wonder, where is she? Did I miss her? Yes. Was she here? Only for a little. To not have you in my life, I cry. Please just come home. And...

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Sweet Agony

So occasionally i have random thoughts at night, and i felt like writing this one down. i don't know when i'll start writing again, but hopefully soon. have fun nice people!

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power of ideas (poem)

sorry if it sucks, i dont write poetry very often. blank verse and haiku's are all i got :P Confusion Words words words, So small, they are an idea Words cant cut skin or crack bones Words cant stop bleeding or heal like medicine ...

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Why is it all so hard?

Why is it all so hard? Am I that different? Or just insane? No. It can't be that simple. Why are people so quick to judge? Are they so empty? Or just angry? No. They are people too. I create my own problems. All your problems are in...

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tale of bunny love prequel

I haven't thought of it like that....i keep forgetting that there are others who had gone through the same thing i have..." dave mused. "yeah....unfortunately people around them didn't know what signs to look for.

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#1 of writing thoughts on happiness... christmas 2014 :) pause. just for a moment. pause. take a deep breath. close your eyes. don't think. whatever's in your head? just let it go. don't think. just be. go ahead... do it.

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I stood inside my house, looking outside my window. My orange fur contrasting with the black stripes as my tail lashed back and fourth, watching the world from my window, almost if it was a separate world entirely, something that did not exist within...

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