Donkey Dreaming (Donkey TF)

You wake up covered in a cold sweat, disturbed by the strange dream you just had. You were on a farm, in an overheated barn with the murmurs of animals all around you. You were very naked, which made you shiver with disgust. Everything felt strange and...

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Hard worker (donkey TF)

I put down my laptop and sighed with frustration. Classes had ended for the semester and I still hadn't found a job. I had spent days staring at the classified ads, hoping something would come along with reasonable pay and no crazy requirements. But it...


From My Patreon: The Princess and the Egg

I have a lot of dog girl stories, a lesbian donkey tf and more! including the gift chapter 2 and office bitch chapter 3!! 3. i ask for polls and feedback and sometimes your input directs my writing. you also can watch me write live sometimes!

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A Hard Donk at the Office (Donkey TF)

"Hey, I'll take a refill!" Barry yelled, perhaps louder than he intended. He was already feeling a steady buzz, but it would take several more drinks before he was finished tonight. The bartender, shaking his head a little, obliged his host....

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From My Patreon: A Bite To Eat [Story, Werewolf]

A lesbian donkey tf story :) the stories (except potentially for the cyoa) will slowly be published outside of patreon but patrons gain instant access to them as well as other rewards, including access to the discord server where we all hang out.

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A Domestic Call [Patreon, Story, Werewolf]

I have a lot of dog girl stories, a lesbian donkey tf and more! including the gift chapter 2, leashed chapter 2 and office bitch chapter 3!! 3. i ask for polls and feedback and sometimes your input directs my writing.

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We're all Dudes in Here! (Donkey TF)

Steve glanced nervously around the open locker room, wishing that he had chosen a larger establishment for his new workout regimen. Unlike most gym locker rooms he had been in, these lockers were all arranged around the walls, with benches in a square...

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Pleasure Island Cosplay Convention (Donkey TF)

"Wanna grab a drink? I bet you're dying in that thing!" Josh asked, grabbing his boyfriend and dragging him over to the bar area before Paul could answer. Paul sighed his reluctant agreement. He thought it was too early to start drinking yet, but his...

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Family Bonding on Pleasure Island

Pleasure Island By Travisbuchanan []( Most scoffed when they first heard the name, far too busy with their lives to concern themselves with what seemed...

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Leashed Ch. 01 [Dog, Story, Patreon]

I have a lot of dog girl stories, a lesbian donkey tf and more! including the gift chapter 2 and office bitch chapter 3!! 3. i ask for polls and feedback and sometimes your input directs my writing. you also can watch me write live sometimes! in.

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Random Donkey TF Story (AI Dungeon-based)

You are Larry, a bright college student. You bought a pack of pills from a sleazy woman. She said they would turn you into a horny donkey. You stand in your bathroom in front of the mirror and take one of the donkey pills. You don't feel a thing. Five...

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A New Worldview [Patreon, Story, Squirrel]

I have a lot of dog girl stories, a lesbian donkey tf and more! including the gift chapter 2, leashed chapter 2 and office bitch chapter 3!! 3. i ask for polls and feedback and sometimes your input directs my writing.

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