Washing up
The light that filtered through the forest's leafs was a bright orange, and signaled how early it truly was in the morning. A light dew from the trees sparkled in the morning light, and rolled off the leaves. The drops fell onto the dirt pathway bellow...
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure: Entry 45
_viper)) - 1 drum bunker dragon ([http://buddyfight.wikia.com/wiki/drum\_bunker\_dragon](http://buddyfight.wikia.com/wiki/drum_bunker_dragon)) - 2 duke, captain n's dog ([http://captainn.wikia.com/wiki/duke](http://captainn.wikia.com/wiki/duke)) - 1 dunkelzahn
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Entry 47
_viper)) - 1 drum bunker dragon ([http://buddyfight.wikia.com/wiki/drum\_bunker\_dragon](http://buddyfight.wikia.com/wiki/drum_bunker_dragon)) - 4 duke, captain n's dog ([http://captainn.wikia.com/wiki/duke](http://captainn.wikia.com/wiki/duke)) - 1 easter