
Loosen the belt on your tendons; retract them until they get stuck. Never let the bastards win. Never let them give a fuck. The battle is in your head. Can you make sense of it? Has your sight fled? Tell me you'll never quit! Build it all...

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Lay Me Down

Terrible dreams stir me, flocking through the callosum. I am my only enemy, I've never been more loathsome. Lay me down here, shaking with heavy breath. Wipe away my tears; bring me back from death. The years are still young, and yet we're so...

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Discernably Ludicrous Issue 1

Tall tales are inspired by the insane things we witness day to day, trying desperately to reconcile what it is that just occurred. One such event happened to me today, and though I know what happened, my mind rejects the notion. In many ways I wish I...

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Just A Thought

Just a thought, That's all I want from myself; all I could ask of you. Just a thought, a simple notion to carry on; to pass across the ages. Just a thought, that wonder of creation. Tangible and seemingly fake. Just the truth, if you...

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A New Promise

My eyes open ever wider. Now that they've tasted the air, I am soaring to newer heights long awaited and forever promised. Selling myself can finally stop, now that I captain my soul. Light soaks through the veil, revealing answers once...

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Hold On

Frozen in the panes of glass, Guilt of our century lives on. It chills us to the core, and recalls the mighty beast. Living for the great today, our souls linger in the static; held together through the dust of a promise's last reverb. I...

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Through The Pass - Part 1

Night is as it had been since Michael first arrived nearly ten years ago: cold and quiet. It's the little moments like this that Michael loves the most about the countryside. The city is always moving too fast to care about anyone that happens to live...

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Hunted - Part 2

Cold air brushes against the slumbering Fox, stirring him from uneasy dreams about what may happen to him when he steps outside. Stranded, and very isolated, all Hound's thoughts circled what might happen if he ran into those terrible creatures. Just...

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Conversation Practice - 1

"That's what I mean! How did you know?" The question lingers, as most of Hound's tend, until Scruffy's eyes have had their lap around their sockets. Squeezing the bridge of his nose, Scruffy says, "Why do you ask the most simplistic questions?" "Why...

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Hunted - Part One: The Crash

The mountain range determinedly stands its ground against the whirling sirens, forcing the bitter cold through crevices and valleys; their detour seemingly intensifying their impact against the lone Fox's fur. Every gust makes him want to collapse and...

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Adventures In Lust

Lust makes mongrels of us all, would you not agree? I suppose that isn't the best way to begin this story, but how else should I engage the narrative? Beginnings are so common, and often times askew from the reality of what truly occurred, because they...

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Discernably Ludicrous Issue 2

One of the best times to be a wayward wanderer is during the holidays. The sidewalks are packed to the brim with irate passerby; tires beat the streets unmercifully; the air is warmer purely because of the throngs of weary shoppers. My favorite thing...

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