Cold rain lashed The Coyote in the middle of the night. He scrambled around his tent, struggling to resecure the rainfly ripped free by the furious storm. Waves of wind-driven water soaked him through his raincoat, plastering his fur to his skin. He...
Alia L Jackson, Christmas, Christmas Broccoli, Comedy, Coyote, Dragon, Humor, Insanity, Jiminy cricket, Krek's Fanfiction, The Coyote, Urd'thin, Urdthin, crazy, taser, weird
"i guess i accidentally summoned some of krek's fanfiction. well, i'll get you that outtake eventually." he held his hand out. "alright, give it back."
"not so fast," nok said, still flipping through. "this is kinda hot."
2020, Christmas, Christmas-verse, Comedy, Coyote, Dragon, Fox, Humor, Kobold, Laughter, Merry christmas, Reindeer, This really fries my bacon, Urd'thin