Zootopia: Dirty Hairy party 2
Nick wilde and judy hopps were at each end turning traffic and pedestrians around while officers merkhorne and delgato were running yellow tape and tarp over the incident vehicle.
Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 6
"homicide inspector 71 responding to officer merkhorn, we are three minutes inbound!" the radio cracked again..."officers anderson and fangmeyer responding to officer merkhorn, five minutes inbound!"
Zootopia Television Script: ZCOPS act 1
Officer johnson (lion) on radio: officer johnson responding to officer merkhorn! merkhorn: send ems for the suspect.
Zootopia: Dirty Hairy Part 7
"i just got the call from officer merkhorn." bogo replied in his deep booming voice. "so our suspect in all these killings as of late is a snake?" "we're not sure. my partner david sweet just made an observation.