I got up before the alarm went off, slid my dick off my chest, and let it counterweight me to an upright position. Another day had brought more growth to my girth, and I've got to say, I was pretty proud of its progress. Before the Changes had...
This is Normal
The fat skunk boarded the bus, clad only in a massive diaper that gave it a waddling gait even more pronounced than its weight alone would give it. A few people looked up to see whose steps were rocking the bus, but their eyes soon returned to their...
Sausage Breakfast
Musky lay in bed between his mates, the chubby skunk sleeping between the chubby otter and the chubby kangaroo in a king-sized bed that barely held them. It was good of Rockwell to put them up in such a fancy hotel for the weekend to visit him as he...