You, me, and a whole lot of nothin'

So many things to say. But what to say? How to end this day? I, the mouse don't have the heart to pray the hurt away. Eyes on the quaking hamster, you. The one who killed their pastor because you were just a little bit faster. How to say? Something....

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  i'm never much of a pessimist (and i don't usually write short prose like this), but this is a little thing i picked up from a writer on fanfiction.

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Inappropriate Feelings

This is a short prose from the p.o.v of a male zoroark. i'll be honest and say that i wrote this because of a personal issue in my life that i needed to get off my chest. it's not very uplifting, and it's extremely angsty.

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Love Beyond Borders: Chapter 1

._" within was a short prose upon old parchment, the kind i had readily lying around. "_jale..... i can't explain fully, nor_ _should you be bothered, there is much on your plate all things considered.

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Primal Breakdown

This probably should have been best left as some short prose, but i had too much i wanted to say. this story is more of a rant than anything else.

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