space special ops

athours note: this will designate when you will be reading the main characters thoughts/ this will designate any speech". this will desginate radio chatter\*. this will designate texr on a computer screen.{.I apoligze for any spelling mistakes. ...

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Torpedo Run Chapter 25

Hi everybody. The saga of the Fist of the Nascent Dawn, her brave crew, and a few others continues. Please let me know what you think of the story, the writing style, and so on :) Thanks! And thanks for reading! Chapter 25 Chaos reigned in the...

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space special ops 2

{medical file 8756: commander harold has had the first implants installed into him. we have not woken him yet,and will not intill he recives the fourth batch of implants. the new team we are assining him have arrived to. we will begin the implant...


space special ops 3

"sir, should we proceed and wake them", one of the scientist asked. "do it," dr. shaw replied. "beginning waking process in five,four,three,two,one. subjects are starting to wake, sir." "alright, lets get ready for this." "oh, my acing head." /that is...

North and South Chapter 1: Special Ops

"is this the special ops team's meeting room?" "this is." fisher returned with a nod, then nodded for each of the others to converge around him. "seem's we're all accounted for then." "finally..." kage muttered. "you seem eager to get started..."

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1:7 Verraden

By that time, the special ops had rounded the corner and taken up sites on the black fox running back towards them.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 3

He has special ops teams and myself digging up any information we can find to locate them. so far we haven't had much luck." felina said unhappily.

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Wolf hound special ops: the three wolfs (cap.3)

III Animals of War escapa Aunque las creaciones del doctor Hemerich tenían mucha inteligencia, la parte de animal que había en ellos los dominaba súbitamente, haciendo que la ira y la sed de sangre los dominará, en el cambio genético, se...

Wolf hound special ops: the three wolfs (cap.2)

II Vitrum nivei. Es egoísta pensar que en la enormidad del cosmos, la Tierra sea el único mundo que alberga vida. La pregunta es, ¿qué tan lejos está el planeta con vida más cercano? ¿Qué creerías si supieras que hay un décimo mundo en nuestro...

Wolfs Hound Special Ops: the three Wolfs (capitulo 1)

I Proyecto: Soldados Genoma Estados Unidos: Una de las más grandes potencias del mundo logró alcanzar lo inimaginable: Con su poder científico-tecnológico lograron crear soldados más fuertes, combinando el genoma humano con el de los animales más...

1:8 Simple Negotiation

Whatever special ops had attacked alias were all over the building in minutes. the elevator shaft was systematically locked down, and the special ops were sweeping the stairs.

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Project Godlike: Shifts in power

** **captain rainier, captain of the interruption, former special ops commander here at altair, that enough information for you?"** **how do you know about his special ops career?"** **i have black authorization."** **how?"

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